changeset 0 3906ca745819
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:3906ca745819
     1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
     2 <html>
     3   <head>
     4     <http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">
     5     <title>WebAuth Confirm</title>
     6   </head>
     8   [% IF notdefined %]
     9 <!--
    10 This is the template for the WebAuth confirm page.  This page is called
    11 from login.fcgi script on the weblogin server after successful
    12 authentication and provides a link to continue to the appropriate web
    13 page, as well as (optionally) a way to set preferences for doing
    14 REMOTE_USER authentication.  Variables used:
    16 username               : the authenticated identity of the user
    17 return_url             : the WebAuth-protected page now authenticated for
    18 pretty_return_url      : same, but cleaned up for use as link text
    19 login_cancel           : a cancel URL was specified
    20 cancel_url             : the specified cancel URL
    21 show_remuser           : show REMOTE_USER login preferences
    22 remuser                : set if REMOTE_USER is desired
    23 warn_expire            : show warning for upcoming password expiration
    24 expire_date            : the date and time of password expiration
    25 expire_time_left       : the amount of time left until password expiration
    26 pwchange_url           : URL for the password change form
    27 -->
    28   [% END %]
    30   <body>
    31     <h1 align="center">WebAuth Confirm</h1>
    32     <div class="loginbox" align="center">
    33       <table border="1" width="70%">
    34         [% IF warn_expire %]
    35           <tr>
    36             <td colspan="2">
    37               <div class="errortext">
    38                 Warning: Your password will expire in
    39                 [% expire_time_left %], on
    40                 [% expire_date %].  Please change your password
    41                 before this happens.
    42                 <form action="[% pwchange_url FILTER html %]"
    43                       method="post" target="_blank"
    44                       enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
    45                   <input type="hidden" name="rm" value="pwchange">
    46                   <input type="hidden" name="skip_username"
    47                          value="[% skip_username FILTER html %]">
    48                   <input type="hidden" name="username"
    49                          value="[% username FILTER html %]">
    50                   <input type="hidden" name="CPT"
    51                          value="[% CPT FILTER html %]">
    52                   <input type="submit" name="Submit"
    53                          value="Change Password">
    54                 </form>
    55               </div>
    56             </td>
    57           </tr>
    58         [% END %]
    59         [% IF history %]
    60           <tr>
    61             <td colspan="2">
    62               <div class="errortext">
    63                 <p><strong>Warning: There were potentially suspicious logins
    64                   from your account.  Here is a list of the last several
    65                   logins you have made to WebAuth-protected
    66                   resources.</strong></p>
    67                 <ul>
    68                   [% FOREACH login IN history %]
    69                     [% IF login.hostname %]
    70                       <li>[% login.hostname %] ([% login.ip %])
    71                     [% ELSE %]
    72                       <li>[% login.ip %]
    73                     [% END %]
    74                   [% END %]
    75                 </ul>
    76               </div>
    77             </td>
    78           </tr>
    79         [% END %]
    80         <tr>
    81           <td><img alt="Confirm" src="/images/confirm.png"
    82                    width="160" height="160"/></td>
    83           <td>
    84             <div class="logintext">
    85               <p>You are logged into WebAuth as user
    86               <strong>[% username FILTER html %]</strong></p>
    87               <p>Click this link to continue to the website you
    88               requested:</p>
    89               <p><a href="[% return_url FILTER html %]">
    90                  [% pretty_return_url FILTER html %]</a></p>
    91               [% IF token_rights %]
    92                 <p>If you continue to this website, you will grant it
    93                 permission to obtain the following credentials on your
    94                 behalf:</p>
    95                 <blockquote><p>[% FOREACH right IN token_rights %]
    96                   [% right.type %] [% %]<br/>
    97                   <!-- [% right.principal %] -->
    98                   <!-- [% right.instance %] -->
    99                   <!-- [% right.realm %] -->
   100                 [% END %]</p></blockquote>
   101               [% END %]
   102               <p><strong>Protect your assets:</strong><br/>
   103                  Quit your web browser when you are finished (see below
   104                  for more details)</p>
   105               [% IF login_cancel %]
   106                 <p><a href="[% cancel_url %]">Cancel</a>
   107                    logging on to this service</p>
   108               [% END %]
   109             </div>
   110           </td>
   111         </tr>
   112       </table>
   113     </div>
   115     [% IF show_remuser %]
   116       <div class="remuserbox" align="center">
   117         <form action="[% script_name FILTER html %]" method="post"
   118               enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
   119           <input type="hidden" name="rm" value="edit_remoteuser">
   120           <input type="hidden" name="return_url"
   121                  value="[% return_url FILTER html %]">
   122           <input type="hidden" name="username"
   123                  value="[% username FILTER html %]">
   124           [% IF login_cancel %]
   125             <input type="hidden" name="cancel_url"
   126                    value="[% cancel_url FILTER html %]">
   127           [% END %]
   128           <table border="1" width="70%">
   129             <tr>
   130               <td>
   131                 [% IF remuser %]
   132                   <input type="checkbox" name="remuser" checked>
   133                 [% ELSE %]
   134                   <input type="checkbox" name="remuser">
   135                 [% END %]
   136               </td>
   137               <td>
   138                 <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Change Setting">
   139               </td>
   140               <td>
   141                 Check this box to always attempt to use your computer
   142                 login information in the future.
   143               </td>
   144             </tr>
   145           </table>
   146         </form>
   147       </div>
   148     [% END %]
   150     <div class="trailer">
   151       <h2>Important Security Information</h2>
   153       <p>WebAuth provides a general web login service for many different
   154       websites.  Websites that use this WebAuth server that would ask you
   155       to login will not do so now that you have logged into WebAuth.</p>
   157       <p><strong>Quit the web browser you are using when you are finished
   158       with this browser session.</strong></p>
   160       <p>If you do not, anyone subsequently using your computer will be
   161       able to use the browser program to go to those websites, and the
   162       websites will treat that person as you, giving that person access to
   163       your protected web assets. You are responsible for preventing that
   164       from happening with this web session, and the best way to do it is
   165       to quit the browser program when you are finished with it, or lock
   166       your computer if you need to leave your computer but aren't through
   167       with the browser.</p>
   168     </div>
   169   </body>
   170 </html>