First commit. Lacks key deletion support and an admin CP for controlling options.
* Returns OTP data. Numeric except for public and private IDs, which are hex.
* @return array Associative
function yms_decode_otp($otp, $key)
static $aes = false;
if ( !is_object($aes) )
$aes = AESCrypt::singleton(128, 128);
$return = array();
$otp = yms_tobinary($otp);
if ( strlen($otp) != 22 )
return false;
$key = yms_tobinary($key);
if ( strlen($key) != 16 )
return false;
$cryptpart = yms_hex_encode(substr($otp, 6, 16));
$publicid = substr($otp, 0, 6);
$return['publicid'] = yms_hex_encode($publicid);
$otp_decrypted = $aes->decrypt($cryptpart, $key, ENC_HEX);
$crc_is_good = yms_validate_crc($otp_decrypted);
$return['privateid'] = yms_hex_encode(substr($otp_decrypted, 0, 6));
$return['session'] = yms_unpack_int(strrev(substr($otp_decrypted, 6, 2)));
$return['timestamp'] = yms_unpack_int(strrev(substr($otp_decrypted, 8, 3)));
$return['count'] = yms_unpack_int(substr($otp_decrypted, 11, 1));
$return['random'] = yms_unpack_int(substr($otp_decrypted, 12, 2));
$return['crc'] = yms_unpack_int(substr($otp_decrypted, 14, 2));
$return['crc_good'] = $crc_is_good;
return $return;
function yms_unpack_int($str)
$return = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++ )
$return = $return << 8;
$return = $return | ord($str{$i});
return $return;
function yms_crc16($buffer)
$buffer = yms_tobinary($buffer);
for($bpos=0; $bpos<strlen($buffer); $bpos++)
$m_crc ^= ord($buffer[$bpos]);
for ($i=0; $i<8; $i++)
$j=$m_crc & 1;
$m_crc >>= 1;
if ($j) $m_crc ^= 0x8408;
return $m_crc;
function yms_validate_crc($token)
$crc = yms_crc16($token);
return $crc == 0;
function yms_within($test, $control, $fuzz)
$min = $control - $fuzz;
$max = $control + $fuzz;
return $test > $min && $test < $max;