2008-01-29 Dan Rebranded source code as 1.1.1; added TinyMCE ACL rule as per Vadi's request:
2008-01-26 Dan Removed stray debugging info from ACL editor success notification; added ability for guests to set language on URI (?lang=eng); added html_in_pages ACL type and separated from php_in_pages so HTML can be embedded but not PHP; rewote portions of the path manager to better abstract URL input; added Zend Framework into list of BSD-licensed libraries; localized some remaining strings; got the migration script working, but just barely; fixed display bug in Special:Contributions; localized Main Page button in admin panel
2008-01-26 Dan Finished (or nearly finished) the admin language CP
2008-01-25 Dan A number of scattered changes. Profiler added and only enabled in debug mode (currently on), but awfully useful for fixing performance in the future. Started work on Admin:LangManager
2008-01-23 Dan Improved compatibility with PostgreSQL and fixed a number of installer bugs; fixed missing "meta" category declaration in language files
2008-01-19 Dan Fixed a coupla minor bugs with the template_nodb class wrongly referencing $lang
2008-01-16 Dan Welcome to the new Enano installer. Much distance still to be covered but the basics are there.
2008-01-03 Dan WiP commit for admin panel localization. All modules up to Admin:UserManager (working down the list) are localized except Admin:ThemeManager, which is due for a rewrite
2007-12-28 Dan Replaced TinyMCE 2.x with 3.0 beta 3. Supports everything but IE. Also rewrote the editor interface completely from the ground up.
2007-12-26 Dan More localization work. Resolved major issue with JSON parser not parsing files over ~50KB. Switched JSON parser to the one from the Zend Framework (BSD licensed). Forced to split enano.json into five different files.
2007-11-07 Dan Installer localization started. Welcome, License, and SysReqs pages are fully localized.
2007-11-06 Dan Trying to get lang import to work in the installer; it's not working ATM - cache file is generated with lang_id = 0. Syncing to Nighthawk.
2007-11-06 Dan Fix a comparison logic SQL error in lang.php; fix attempt to call mysql_real_escape_string() in install without a working DB connection
2007-10-29 Dan Localized the sidebar
2007-10-28 Dan Added language export to JSON page and localization for Javascript using $lang.get(). Localized AJAX login interface.
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