2009-07-06 Dan Language: fixed improper null return in add_filter()
2009-05-05 Dan Removed "@" from all call_user_func() calls to make debugging special pages and such possible
2009-01-15 Dan Added CLI installer. Supports interactive, command-line, and internal-call installation. Fixed a few bugs related to anti-SQL injection parser and plugin installation.
2009-01-04 Dan Two big commits in one day I know, but redid password storage to use HMAC-SHA1. Consolidated much AES processing to three core methods in session that should handle everything automagically. Installation works; upgrades should. Rebranded as 1.1.6.
2008-08-12 Dan Rebranded as 1.1.5 (Caoineag alpha 5) and fixed a couple bugs related to CDN support in template_nodb and installerUI. Updated readme.
2008-07-28 Dan Added ability to have language strings send variables through filter functions. Operates based on predefined filters, expandable with a call to Language::register_filter at the hook lang_init
2008-07-22 Dan Made lang.php stop dying due to no strings installed for current language [experimental]
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