2008-07-03 Dan More optimization work. Moved special page init functions to common instead of common_post hook. Allowed paths to cache page metadata on filesystem. Phased out the redundancy in $paths->pages that paired a number with every urlname as foreach loops are allowed now (and have been for some time). Fixed missing includes for several functions. Rewrote str_replace_once to be a lot more efficient.
2008-07-02 Dan Another sweep from the optimization monster.
2008-05-16 Dan Added user preference for disabling visual effects in Javascript applets; added re-import button to installed plugins
2008-05-11 Dan Added ability to delete the draft revision; [SECURITY] fixed lack of permission check on draft save; renamed messagebox() constructor to MessageBox() (backward compat. maintained)
2008-04-14 Dan Rebrand as 1.1.4 (Caoineag alpha 4)
2008-03-07 Dan Hopefully completed rewrite and localization of rollback backend and interface
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