author Dan Fuhry <>
Thu, 28 Oct 2010 03:05:31 -0400
changeset 1308 f9bee9b125ee
parent 1193 e3b94bd055dc
permissions -rw-r--r--
Parser updates. Added the "styled" keyword to wikitables to allow them to be styled using the current theme's standard table skinning, and changes to how the image tag parser decides how to display an image (framed, inline or raw).

 * $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 201 2007-02-12 15:56:56Z spocke $
 * @author Moxiecode
 * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2008, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.

(function() {
	var each = tinymce.each;

	tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.TemplatePlugin', {
		init : function(ed, url) {
			var t = this;

			t.editor = ed;

			// Register commands
			ed.addCommand('mceTemplate', function(ui) {{
					file : url + '/template.htm',
					width : ed.getParam('template_popup_width', 750),
					height : ed.getParam('template_popup_height', 600),
					inline : 1
				}, {
					plugin_url : url

			ed.addCommand('mceInsertTemplate', t._insertTemplate, t);

			// Register buttons
			ed.addButton('template', {title : 'template.desc', cmd : 'mceTemplate'});

			ed.onPreProcess.add(function(ed, o) {
				var dom = ed.dom;

				each('div', o.node), function(e) {
					if (dom.hasClass(e, 'mceTmpl')) {
						each('*', e), function(e) {
							if (dom.hasClass(e, ed.getParam('template_mdate_classes', 'mdate').replace(/\s+/g, '|')))
								e.innerHTML = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("template_mdate_format", ed.getLang("template.mdate_format")));


		getInfo : function() {
			return {
				longname : 'Template plugin',
				author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
				authorurl : '',
				infourl : '',
				version : tinymce.majorVersion + "." + tinymce.minorVersion

		_insertTemplate : function(ui, v) {
			var t = this, ed = t.editor, h, el, dom = ed.dom, sel = ed.selection.getContent();

			h = v.content;

			each(t.editor.getParam('template_replace_values'), function(v, k) {
				if (typeof(v) != 'function')
					h = h.replace(new RegExp('\\{\\$' + k + '\\}', 'g'), v);

			el = dom.create('div', null, h);

			// Find template element within div
			n ='.mceTmpl', el);
			if (n && n.length > 0) {
				el = dom.create('div', null);

			function hasClass(n, c) {
				return new RegExp('\\b' + c + '\\b', 'g').test(n.className);

			each('*', el), function(n) {
				// Replace cdate
				if (hasClass(n, ed.getParam('template_cdate_classes', 'cdate').replace(/\s+/g, '|')))
					n.innerHTML = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("template_cdate_format", ed.getLang("template.cdate_format")));

				// Replace mdate
				if (hasClass(n, ed.getParam('template_mdate_classes', 'mdate').replace(/\s+/g, '|')))
					n.innerHTML = t._getDateTime(new Date(), ed.getParam("template_mdate_format", ed.getLang("template.mdate_format")));

				// Replace selection
				if (hasClass(n, ed.getParam('template_selected_content_classes', 'selcontent').replace(/\s+/g, '|')))
					n.innerHTML = sel;


			ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, el.innerHTML);

		_replaceVals : function(e) {
			var dom = this.editor.dom, vl = this.editor.getParam('template_replace_values');

			each('*', e), function(e) {
				each(vl, function(v, k) {
					if (dom.hasClass(e, k)) {
						if (typeof(vl[k]) == 'function')

		_getDateTime : function(d, fmt) {
				if (!fmt)
					return "";

				function addZeros(value, len) {
					var i;

					value = "" + value;

					if (value.length < len) {
						for (i=0; i<(len-value.length); i++)
							value = "0" + value;

					return value;

				fmt = fmt.replace("%D", "%m/%d/%y");
				fmt = fmt.replace("%r", "%I:%M:%S %p");
				fmt = fmt.replace("%Y", "" + d.getFullYear());
				fmt = fmt.replace("%y", "" + d.getYear());
				fmt = fmt.replace("%m", addZeros(d.getMonth()+1, 2));
				fmt = fmt.replace("%d", addZeros(d.getDate(), 2));
				fmt = fmt.replace("%H", "" + addZeros(d.getHours(), 2));
				fmt = fmt.replace("%M", "" + addZeros(d.getMinutes(), 2));
				fmt = fmt.replace("%S", "" + addZeros(d.getSeconds(), 2));
				fmt = fmt.replace("%I", "" + ((d.getHours() + 11) % 12 + 1));
				fmt = fmt.replace("%p", "" + (d.getHours() < 12 ? "AM" : "PM"));
				fmt = fmt.replace("%B", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_months_long").split(',')[d.getMonth()]);
				fmt = fmt.replace("%b", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_months_short").split(',')[d.getMonth()]);
				fmt = fmt.replace("%A", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_day_long").split(',')[d.getDay()]);
				fmt = fmt.replace("%a", "" + this.editor.getLang("template_day_short").split(',')[d.getDay()]);
				fmt = fmt.replace("%%", "%");

				return fmt;

	// Register plugin
	tinymce.PluginManager.add('template', tinymce.plugins.TemplatePlugin);