author Dan
Sun, 04 May 2008 21:57:48 -0400
changeset 541 acb7e23b6ffa
parent 504 bc8e0e9ee01d
child 586 234ddd896555
permissions -rw-r--r--
Massive commit with various changes. Added user ranks system (no admin interface yet) and ability for users to have custom user titles. Made cron framework accept fractions of hours through floating-point intervals. Modifed ACL editor to use miniPrompt framework for close confirmation box. Made avatar system use a special page as opposed to fetching the files directly for caching reasons.

 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
 * pwstrength - Password evaluation and strength testing algorithm
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

function password_score_len(password)
  if ( typeof(password) != "string" )
    return -10;
  var len = password.length;
  var score = len - 7;
  return score;

function password_score(password)
  if ( typeof(password) != "string" )
    return -10;
  var score = 0;
  var debug = [];
  // length check
  var lenscore = password_score_len(password);
  debug.push(''+lenscore+' points for length');
  score += lenscore;
  var has_upper_lower = false;
  var has_symbols     = false;
  var has_numbers     = false;
  // contains uppercase and lowercase
  if ( password.match(/[A-z]+/) && password.toLowerCase() != password )
    score += 1;
    has_upper_lower = true;
    debug.push('1 point for having uppercase and lowercase');
  // contains symbols
  if ( password.match(/[^A-z0-9]+/) )
    score += 1;
    has_symbols = true;
    debug.push('1 point for having nonalphanumeric characters (matching /[^A-z0-9]+/)');
  // contains numbers
  if ( password.match(/[0-9]+/) )
    score += 1;
    has_numbers = true;
    debug.push('1 point for having numbers');
  if ( has_upper_lower && has_symbols && has_numbers && password.length >= 9 )
    // if it has uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers, and is of considerable length, add some serious points
    score += 4;
    debug.push('4 points for having uppercase and lowercase, numbers, and nonalphanumeric and being more than 8 characters');
  else if ( has_upper_lower && has_symbols && has_numbers && password.length >= 6 )
    // still give some points for passing complexity check
    score += 2;
    debug.push('2 points for having uppercase and lowercase, numbers, and nonalphanumeric');
  else if(( ( has_upper_lower && has_symbols ) ||
            ( has_upper_lower && has_numbers ) ||
            ( has_symbols && has_numbers ) ) && password.length >= 6 )
    // if 2 of the three main complexity checks passed, add a point
    score += 1;
    debug.push('1 point for having 2 of 3 complexity checks');
  else if ( ( !has_upper_lower && !has_numbers && has_symbols ) ||
            ( !has_upper_lower && !has_symbols && has_numbers ) ||
            ( !has_numbers && !has_symbols && has_upper_lower ) )
    score += -2;
    debug.push('-2 points for only meeting 1 complexity check');
  else if ( password.match(/^[0-9]*?([a-z]+)[0-9]?$/) )
    // password is something like magnum1 which will be cracked in seconds
    score += -4;
    debug.push('-4 points for being of the form [number][word][number], which is easily cracked');
  else if ( !has_upper_lower && !has_numbers && !has_symbols )
    // this is if somehow the user inputs a password that doesn't match the rule above, but still doesn't contain upper and lowercase, numbers, or symbols
    debug.push('-3 points for not meeting any complexity checks');
    score += -3;
  // Repetition
  // Example: foobar12345 should be deducted points, where f1o2o3b4a5r should be given points
  // None of the positive ones kick in unless the length is at least 8
  if ( password.match(/([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]|[a-z][a-z][a-z][a-z])/) )
    debug.push('-2 points for having more than 4 letters of the same case in a row');
    score += -2;
  else if ( password.match(/([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]|[a-z][a-z][a-z])/) )
    debug.push('-1 points for having more than 3 letters of the same case in a row');
    score += -1;
  else if ( password.match(/[A-z]/) && !password.match(/([A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]|[a-z][a-z][a-z])/) && password.length >= 8 )
    debug.push('1 point for never having more than 2 letters of the same case in a row');
    score += 1;
  if ( password.match(/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/) )
    debug.push('-2 points for having 4 or more numbers in a row');
    score += -2;
  else if ( password.match(/[0-9][0-9][0-9]/) )
    debug.push('-1 points for having 3 or more numbers in a row');
    score += -1;
  else if ( has_numbers && !password.match(/[0-9][0-9][0-9]/) && password.length >= 8 )
    debug.push('1 point for never more than 2 numbers in a row');
    score += -1;
  // make passwords like fooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo totally die by subtracting a point for each character repeated at least 3 times in a row
  var prev_char = '';
  var warn = false;
  var loss = 0;
  for ( var i = 0; i < password.length; i++ )
    var chr = password.substr(i, 1);
    if ( chr == prev_char && warn )
      loss += -1;
    else if ( chr == prev_char && !warn )
      warn = true;
    else if ( chr != prev_char && warn )
      warn = false;
    prev_char = chr;
  if ( loss < 0 )
    debug.push(''+loss+' points for immediate character repetition');
    score += loss;
    // this can bring the score below -10 sometimes
    if ( score < -10 )
      debug.push('Score set to -10 because it went below that floor');
      score = -10;
  var debug_txt = "<b>How this score was calculated</b>\nYour score was tallied up based on an extensive algorithm which outputted\nthe following scores based on traits of your password. Above you can see the\ncomposite score; your individual scores based on certain tests are below.\n\nThe scale is open-ended, with a minimum score of -10. 10 is very strong, 4\nis strong, 1 is good and -3 is fair. Below -3 scores \"Weak.\"\n\n";
  for ( var i = 0; i < debug.length; i++ )
    debug_txt += debug[i] + "\n";
  // For users that really want to know why their password sucks.
  // Not localized because the feature is really only used for debugging the algorithm.
  if ( document.getElementById('passdebug') )
    document.getElementById('passdebug').innerHTML = debug_txt;
  return score;

function password_score_draw(score)
  if ( !$lang )
    // $lang isn't initted yet, this happens sometimes on the usercp/emailpassword form.
    // Try to init it if we have ENANO_LANG_ID and enano_lang; if not, report an error.
    if ( typeof(enano_lang) == 'object' && typeof(ENANO_LANG_ID) == 'number' )
      return {
        'color' : '#000000',
        'fgcolor' : '#666666',
        'str' : 'Language init failed'
  // some colors are from the Gmail sign-up form
  if ( score >= 10 )
    var color = '#010101';
    var fgcolor = '#666666';
    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_verystrong', { score: score });
  else if ( score > 3 )
    var color = '#008000';
    var fgcolor = '#004000';
    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_strong', { score: score });
  else if ( score >= 1 )
    var color = '#6699cc';
    var fgcolor = '#4477aa';
    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_good', { score: score });
  else if ( score >= -3 )
    var color = '#f5ac00';
    var fgcolor = '#ffcc33';
    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_fair', { score: score });
    var color = '#aa0033';
    var fgcolor = '#FF6060';
    var str = $lang.get('usercp_pwstrength_score_weak', { score: score });
  var ret = {
    color: color,
    fgcolor: fgcolor,
    str: str
  return ret;

function password_score_field(field)
  var indicator = false;
  if ( field.nextSibling )
    if ( field.nextSibling.className == 'password-checker' )
      indicator = field.nextSibling;
  if ( !indicator )
    var indicator = document.createElement('span');
    indicator.className = 'password-checker';
    if ( field.nextSibling )
      field.parentNode.insertBefore(indicator, field.nextSibling);
  var score = password_score(field.value);
  var data = password_score_draw(score); = data.color; = 'bold';
  indicator.innerHTML = ' ' + data.str;
  if ( document.getElementById('pwmeter') )
    var div = document.getElementById('pwmeter'); = '250px';
    score += 10;
    if ( score > 25 )
      score = 25; = data.color;
    var width = Math.round( score * (250 / 25) );
    div.innerHTML = '<div style="width: '+width+'px; background-color: '+data.fgcolor+'; height: 8px;"></div>';