author Dan
Sun, 22 Mar 2009 00:55:06 -0400
changeset 885 a86a69394a95
parent 543 dffcbfbc4e59
permissions -rw-r--r--
Major revamp to sidebar editor. Some behavioral changes as well as being based on jQuery UI Sortables. Creation interface remains the same, but better strings merged in from stable.

var ImageDialog = {
	preInit : function() {
		var url;


		if (url = tinyMCEPopup.getParam("external_image_list_url"))
			document.write('<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="' + tinyMCEPopup.editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(url) + '"></script>');

	init : function() {
		var f = document.forms[0], ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor;

		// Setup browse button
		document.getElementById('srcbrowsercontainer').innerHTML = getBrowserHTML('srcbrowser','src','image','theme_advanced_image');
		if (isVisible('srcbrowser'))
			document.getElementById('src').style.width = '180px';

		e = ed.selection.getNode();

		this.fillFileList('image_list', 'tinyMCEImageList');

		if (e.nodeName == 'IMG') {
			f.src.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(e, 'src');
			f.alt.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(e, 'alt');
			f.border.value = this.getAttrib(e, 'border');
			f.vspace.value = this.getAttrib(e, 'vspace');
			f.hspace.value = this.getAttrib(e, 'hspace');
			f.width.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(e, 'width');
			f.height.value = ed.dom.getAttrib(e, 'height');
			f.insert.value = ed.getLang('update');
			this.styleVal = ed.dom.getAttrib(e, 'style');
			selectByValue(f, 'image_list', f.src.value);
			selectByValue(f, 'align', this.getAttrib(e, 'align'));

	fillFileList : function(id, l) {
		var dom = tinyMCEPopup.dom, lst = dom.get(id), v, cl;

		l = window[l];

		if (l && l.length > 0) {
			lst.options[lst.options.length] = new Option('', '');

			tinymce.each(l, function(o) {
				lst.options[lst.options.length] = new Option(o[0], o[1]);
		} else
			dom.remove(dom.getParent(id, 'tr'));

	update : function() {
		var f = document.forms[0], nl = f.elements, ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor, args = {}, el;


		if (f.src.value === '') {
			if (ed.selection.getNode().nodeName == 'IMG') {


		if (!ed.settings.inline_styles) {
			args = tinymce.extend(args, {
				vspace : nl.vspace.value,
				hspace : nl.hspace.value,
				border : nl.border.value,
				align : getSelectValue(f, 'align')
		} else = this.styleVal;

		tinymce.extend(args, {
			src : f.src.value,
			alt : f.alt.value,
			width : f.width.value,
			height : f.height.value

		el = ed.selection.getNode();

		if (el && el.nodeName == 'IMG') {
			ed.dom.setAttribs(el, args);
		} else {
			ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '<img id="__mce_tmp" />', {skip_undo : 1});
			ed.dom.setAttribs('__mce_tmp', args);
			ed.dom.setAttrib('__mce_tmp', 'id', '');


	updateStyle : function() {
		var dom = tinyMCEPopup.dom, st, v, f = document.forms[0];

		if (tinyMCEPopup.editor.settings.inline_styles) {
			st = tinyMCEPopup.dom.parseStyle(this.styleVal);

			// Handle align
			v = getSelectValue(f, 'align');
			if (v) {
				if (v == 'left' || v == 'right') {
					st['float'] = v;
					delete st['vertical-align'];
				} else {
					st['vertical-align'] = v;
					delete st['float'];
			} else {
				delete st['float'];
				delete st['vertical-align'];

			// Handle border
			v = f.border.value;
			if (v || v == '0') {
				if (v == '0')
					st['border'] = '0';
					st['border'] = v + 'px solid black';
			} else
				delete st['border'];

			// Handle hspace
			v = f.hspace.value;
			if (v) {
				delete st['margin'];
				st['margin-left'] = v + 'px';
				st['margin-right'] = v + 'px';
			} else {
				delete st['margin-left'];
				delete st['margin-right'];

			// Handle vspace
			v = f.vspace.value;
			if (v) {
				delete st['margin'];
				st['margin-top'] = v + 'px';
				st['margin-bottom'] = v + 'px';
			} else {
				delete st['margin-top'];
				delete st['margin-bottom'];

			// Merge
			st = tinyMCEPopup.dom.parseStyle(dom.serializeStyle(st));
			this.styleVal = dom.serializeStyle(st);

	getAttrib : function(e, at) {
		var ed = tinyMCEPopup.editor, dom = ed.dom, v, v2;

		if (ed.settings.inline_styles) {
			switch (at) {
				case 'align':
					if (v = dom.getStyle(e, 'float'))
						return v;

					if (v = dom.getStyle(e, 'vertical-align'))
						return v;


				case 'hspace':
					v = dom.getStyle(e, 'margin-left')
					v2 = dom.getStyle(e, 'margin-right');
					if (v && v == v2)
						return parseInt(v.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));


				case 'vspace':
					v = dom.getStyle(e, 'margin-top')
					v2 = dom.getStyle(e, 'margin-bottom');
					if (v && v == v2)
						return parseInt(v.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));


				case 'border':
					v = 0;

					tinymce.each(['top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'], function(sv) {
						sv = dom.getStyle(e, 'border-' + sv + '-width');

						// False or not the same as prev
						if (!sv || (sv != v && v !== 0)) {
							v = 0;
							return false;

						if (sv)
							v = sv;

					if (v)
						return parseInt(v.replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''));


		if (v = dom.getAttrib(e, at))
			return v;

		return '';

	resetImageData : function() {
		var f = document.forms[0];

		f.width.value = f.height.value = "";	

	updateImageData : function() {
		var f = document.forms[0], t = ImageDialog;

		if (f.width.value == "")
			f.width.value = t.preloadImg.width;

		if (f.height.value == "")
			f.height.value = t.preloadImg.height;

	getImageData : function() {
		var f = document.forms[0];

		this.preloadImg = new Image();
		this.preloadImg.onload = this.updateImageData;
		this.preloadImg.onerror = this.resetImageData;
		this.preloadImg.src = tinyMCEPopup.editor.documentBaseURI.toAbsolute(f.src.value);

tinyMCEPopup.onInit.add(ImageDialog.init, ImageDialog);