author Dan
Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:35:06 -0500
changeset 823 4596c40aaa94
parent 801 eb8b23f11744
child 857 f3a5a276208c
permissions -rw-r--r--
AJAX core library: possible breaking change, readystatechange functions are now called with the XHR instance as the first parameter, to allow requests to run in parallel. This means much better stability but may break some applets (compatibility hack is included)


 * Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
 * Version 1.1.6 (Caoineag beta 1)
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Dan Fuhry
 * Installation package
 * libenanoinstall.php - Installation payload backend
 * This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.

$neutral_color = 'C';

function run_installer_stage($stage_id, $stage_name, $function, $failure_explanation, $allow_skip = true)
  static $resumed = false;
  static $resume_stack = array();
  if ( empty($resume_stack) && isset($_POST['resume_stack']) && preg_match('/[a-z_]+((\|[a-z_]+)+)/', $_POST['resume_stack']) )
    $resume_stack = explode('|', $_POST['resume_stack']);
  $already_run = false;
  if ( in_array($stage_id, $resume_stack) )
    $already_run = true;
  if ( !$resumed )
    if ( !isset($_GET['sub']) )
      $resumed = true;
    if ( isset($_GET['sub']) && $_GET['sub'] == $stage_id )
      $resumed = true;
  if ( !$resumed && $allow_skip )
    echo_stage_success($stage_id, $stage_name);
    return false;
  if ( !function_exists($function) )
    die('libenanoinstall: CRITICAL: function "' . $function . '" for ' . $stage_id . ' doesn\'t exist');
  $result = @call_user_func($function, false, $already_run);
  if ( $result )
    echo_stage_success($stage_id, $stage_name);
    $resume_stack[] = $stage_id;
    return true;
    echo_stage_failure($stage_id, $stage_name, $failure_explanation, $resume_stack);
    return false;

function start_install_table()
  echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="margin-top: 10px;">' . "\n";

function close_install_table()
  echo '</table>' . "\n\n";

function echo_stage_success($stage_id, $stage_name)
  global $neutral_color;
  $neutral_color = ( $neutral_color == 'A' ) ? 'C' : 'A';
  echo '<tr><td style="width: 500px; background-color: #' . "{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}FF{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}" . '; padding: 0 5px;">' . htmlspecialchars($stage_name) . '</td><td style="padding: 0 5px;"><img alt="Done" src="../images/check.png" /></td></tr>' . "\n";

function echo_stage_failure($stage_id, $stage_name, $failure_explanation, $resume_stack)
  global $neutral_color;
  global $lang;
  $neutral_color = ( $neutral_color == 'A' ) ? 'C' : 'A';
  echo '<tr><td style="width: 500px; background-color: #' . "FF{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}{$neutral_color}" . '; padding: 0 5px;">' . htmlspecialchars($stage_name) . '</td><td style="padding: 0 5px;"><img alt="Failed" src="../images/checkbad.png" /></td></tr>' . "\n";
  $post_data = '';
  $mysql_error = mysql_error();
  $file = ( defined('IN_ENANO_UPGRADE') ) ? 'upgrade.php' : 'install.php';
  foreach ( $_POST as $key => $value )
    // FIXME: These should really also be sanitized for double quotes
    $value = htmlspecialchars($value);
    $key = htmlspecialchars($key);
    $post_data .= "          <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$key\" value=\"$value\" />\n";
  if ( $stage_id == 'renameconfig' )
    echo '<p>' . $failure_explanation . '</p>';
    echo '<form action="' . $file . '?stage=install&amp;sub=' . $stage_id . '" method="post">
            ' . $post_data . '
            <input type="hidden" name="resume_stack" value="' . htmlspecialchars(implode('|', $resume_stack)) . '" />
            <h3>' . $lang->get('meta_msg_err_stagefailed_title') . '</h3>
             <p>' . $failure_explanation . '</p>
             ' . ( !empty($mysql_error) ? "<p>" . $lang->get('meta_msg_err_stagefailed_mysqlerror') . " $mysql_error</p>" : '' ) . '
             <p>' . $lang->get('meta_msg_err_stagefailed_body') . '</p>
             <p style="text-align: center;"><input type="submit" value="' . $lang->get('meta_btn_retry_installation') . '" /></p>
  global $ui;

function enano_perform_upgrade($target_branch)
  global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
  // Import version info
  global $enano_versions;
  // Import UI functions
  global $ui;
  // This is needed for upgrade abstraction
  global $dbdriver;
  // see if we're actually supposed to be in post-upgrade
  if ( getConfig('enano_version') == 'upg-' . installer_enano_version() )
    // yep, fall out here to avoid errors
    return true;
  // Main upgrade stage
  // Init vars
  list($major_version, $minor_version) = explode('.', installer_enano_version());
  $installer_branch = "$major_version.$minor_version";
  $installer_branch = preg_replace('/^upg-/', '', $installer_branch);
  $target_branch = preg_replace('/^upg-/', '', $target_branch);
  $version_flipped = array_flip($enano_versions[$target_branch]);
  $version_curr = enano_version();
  // Change this to be the last version in the current branch.
  // If we're just upgrading within this branch, use the version the installer library
  // reports to us. Else, use the latest in the old (current target) branch.
  // $version_target = installer_enano_version();
  $version_target = ( $target_branch === $installer_branch ) ? installer_enano_version() : $enano_versions[$target_branch][ count($enano_versions[$target_branch]) - 1 ];
  // Calculate which scripts to run
  if ( !isset($version_flipped[$version_curr]) )
    echo '<p>ERROR: Unsupported version</p>';
  if ( !isset($version_flipped[$version_target]) )
    echo '<p>ERROR: Upgrader doesn\'t support its own version</p>';
  $upg_queue = array();
  for ( $i = $version_flipped[$version_curr]; $i < $version_flipped[$version_target]; $i++ )
    if ( !isset($enano_versions[$target_branch][$i + 1]) )
      echo '<p>ERROR: Unsupported intermediate version</p>';
    $ver_this = $enano_versions[$target_branch][$i];
    $ver_next = $enano_versions[$target_branch][$i + 1];
    $upg_queue[] = array($ver_this, $ver_next);
  // Verify that all upgrade scripts are usable
  foreach ( $upg_queue as $verset )
    $file = ENANO_ROOT . "/install/schemas/upgrade/{$verset[0]}-{$verset[1]}-$dbdriver.sql";
    if ( !file_exists($file) )
      echo "<p>ERROR: Couldn't find required schema file: $file</p>";
  // Perform upgrade
  foreach ( $upg_queue as $verset )
    $file = ENANO_ROOT . "/install/schemas/upgrade/{$verset[0]}-{$verset[1]}-$dbdriver.sql";
      $parser = new SQL_Parser($file);
    catch(Exception $e)
      'TABLE_PREFIX' => table_prefix
    $sql_list = $parser->parse();
    // Check for empty schema file
    if ( $sql_list[0] === ';' && count($sql_list) == 1 )
      // It's empty, report success for this version
      // See below for explanation of why setConfig() is called here
      setConfig('enano_version', $verset[1]);
    foreach ( $sql_list as $sql )
      // check for '@' operator on query
      if ( substr($sql, 0, 1) == '@' )
        // Yes - perform query but don't check for errors
        // Perform as normal
        if ( !$db->sql_query($sql) )
    // Is there an additional script (logic) to be run after the schema?
    $postscript = ENANO_ROOT . "/install/schemas/upgrade/{$verset[0]}-{$verset[1]}.php";
    if ( file_exists($postscript) )
    // The advantage of calling setConfig on the system version here?
    // Simple. If the upgrade fails, it will pick up from the last
    // version, not try to start again from the beginning. This will
    // still cause errors in most cases though. Eventually we probably
    // need some sort of query-numbering system that tracks in-progress
    // upgrades.
    setConfig('enano_version', $verset[1]);
