AJAX core library: possible breaking change, readystatechange functions are now called with the XHR instance as the first parameter, to allow requests to run in parallel. This means much better stability but may break some applets (compatibility hack is included)
* The jBox menu system. Written by Dan Fuhry and licensed under the GPL.
// Cache of DOM and event objects, used in setTimeout() calls due to scope rules
var jBoxObjCache = new Object();
// Cache of "correct" heights for unordered list objects used in submenus. Helps the animation routine know what height it's aiming for.
var jBoxMenuHeights = new Object();
// Blocks animations from running if there's already an animation going on the same object
var jBoxSlideBlocker = new Object();
// Switch to enable or disable jBox slide animation
var jBox_slide_enable = true;
// Speed at which the menus should slide open. 1 to 100 or -1 to disable.
// Setting this higher than 100 will cause an infinite loop in the browser.
// Default is 80 - anything higher than 90 means exponential speed increase
var slide_speed = 80;
// Inertia value to start with
// Default is 0
var inertia_base = 0;
// Value added to inertia_base on each frame - generally 1 to 3 is good, with 1 being slowest animation
// Default is 1
var inertia_inc = 1;
// Opacity that menus should fade to. 1 to 100 or -1 to disable fades. This only works if the slide effect is also enabled.
// Default is 100
var jBox_opacity = 100;
// Adds the jBox CSS to the HTML header. Called on window onload.
var jBoxInit = function()
setTimeout('jBoxBatchSetup();', 200);
// Initializes each menu.
function jBoxBatchSetup()
return false;
var menus = document.getElementsByClassName('div', 'menu_nojs');
if ( menus.length > 0 )
for ( var i in menus )
if ( typeof(menus[i]) != 'object')
continue; // toJSONString() compatibility
// Initializes a div with a jBox menu in it.
function jBoxSetup(obj)
for ( var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++ )
/* normally this would be done in about 2 lines of code, but javascript is so picky..... */
if ( obj.childNodes[i] )
if ( obj.childNodes[i].tagName )
if ( obj.childNodes[i].tagName == 'A' )
// if ( is_Safari ) alert('It\'s an A: '+obj);
if ( obj.childNodes[i].nextSibling )
// alert("Next sibling: " + obj.childNodes[i].nextSibling);
if ( obj.childNodes[i].nextSibling.tagName )
if ( obj.childNodes[i].nextSibling.tagName == 'UL' || ( obj.childNodes[i].nextSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div' && obj.childNodes[i].nextSibling.className == 'submenu' ) )
// Calculate height
var ul = obj.childNodes[i].nextSibling;
domObjChangeOpac(0, ul);
ul.style.display = 'block';
ul.style.zIndex = getHighestZ() + 2;
var links = ul.getElementsByTagName('a');
for ( var j = 0; j < links.length; j++ )
links[j].onmouseup = function()
var ul = this;
while ( ul.tagName != 'UL' && ul.tagName != 'DIV' && ul.tagName != 'BODY' )
ul = ul.parentNode;
if ( ul.tagName == 'BODY' )
return false;
jBoxHideMenu(ul.previousSibling, ul);
var dim = fetch_dimensions(ul);
if ( !ul.id )
ul.id = 'jBoxmenuobj_' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000);
jBoxMenuHeights[ul.id] = parseInt(dim['h']) - 2; // subtract 2px for border width
ul.style.display = 'none';
domObjChangeOpac(100, ul);
// Setup events
obj.childNodes[i].onmouseover = function() { jBoxOverHandler(this); };
obj.childNodes[i].onmouseout = function(e) { jBoxOutHandler(this, e); };
obj.childNodes[i].nextSibling.onmouseout = function(e) { jBoxOutHandler(this, e); };
if ( is_iPhone )
obj.childNodes[i].onclick = function() { jBoxOverHandler(this); return false; };
// Called when user hovers mouse over a submenu
function jBoxOverHandler(obj)
// if ( is_Safari )
// alert('Safari and over');
// Random ID used to track the object to perform on
var seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
jBoxObjCache[seed] = obj;
// Sleep for a (little more than a tenth of a) second to see if the user really wants the menu to expand
setTimeout('if(isOverObj(jBoxObjCache['+seed+'], false, false)) jBoxOverHandlerBin(jBoxObjCache['+seed+']);', 150);
// Displays a menu.
function jBoxOverHandlerBin(obj)
var others = obj.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('ul');
for ( var i in others )
if(typeof(others[i]) == 'object')
others[i].style.display = 'none';
var others = obj.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div');
for ( var i in others )
if(typeof(others[i]) == 'object')
if ( others[i].className == 'submenu' )
others[i].style.display = 'none';
if(obj.nextSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'ul' || ( obj.nextSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'div' && obj.nextSibling.className == 'submenu' ))
//obj.className = 'liteselected';
var ul = obj.nextSibling;
var dim = fetch_dimensions(obj);
var off = fetch_offset(obj);
var dimh = parseInt(dim['h']);
var offtop = parseInt(off['top']);
var top = dimh + offtop;
left = off['left'];
if ( jBox_slide_enable )
domObjChangeOpac(0, ul);
ul.style.left = left + 'px';
ul.style.top = top + 'px';
ul.style.clip = 'rect(auto,auto,auto,auto)';
ul.style.overflow = 'visible';
ul.style.display = 'block';
if ( jBox_slide_enable )
domObjChangeOpac(100, ul);
function jBoxOutHandler(obj, event)
var seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
var seed2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
jBoxObjCache[seed] = obj;
jBoxObjCache[seed2] = event;
setTimeout('jBoxOutHandlerBin(jBoxObjCache['+seed+'], jBoxObjCache['+seed2+']);', 750);
function jBoxOutHandlerBin(obj, event)
var caller = obj.tagName.toLowerCase();
if(caller == 'a')
a = obj;
ul = obj.nextSibling;
else if(caller == 'ul' || caller == 'div')
a = obj.previousSibling;
ul = obj;
return false;
if (!isOverObj(a, false, event) && !isOverObj(ul, true, event))
jBoxHideMenu(a, ul);
return true;
function jBoxHideMenu(a, ul)
if ( jBox_slide_enable )
ul.style.display = 'none';
// Slide an element downwards until it is at full height.
// First parameter should be a DOM object with style.display = block and opacity = 0.
var sliderobj = new Object();
function slideOut(obj)
if ( jBoxSlideBlocker[obj.id] )
return false;
jBoxSlideBlocker[obj.id] = true;
if ( slide_speed == -1 )
obj.style.display = 'block';
return false;
var currentheight = 0;
var targetheight = jBoxMenuHeights[obj.id];
var inertiabase = inertia_base;
var inertiainc = inertia_inc;
slideStep(obj, 0);
domObjChangeOpac(100, obj);
obj.style.overflow = 'hidden';
// Don't edit past here
var timercnt = 0;
var seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
sliderobj[seed] = obj;
var framecnt = 0;
timercnt += ( 100 - slide_speed );
inertiabase += inertiainc;
currentheight += inertiabase;
if ( currentheight > targetheight )
currentheight = targetheight;
setTimeout('slideStep(sliderobj['+seed+'], '+currentheight+', '+targetheight+');', timercnt);
if ( currentheight >= targetheight )
timercnt = timercnt + ( 100 - slide_speed );
setTimeout('jBoxSlideBlocker[sliderobj['+seed+'].id] = false;', timercnt);
var opacstep = jBox_opacity / framecnt;
var opac = 0;
var timerstep = 0;
domObjChangeOpac(0, obj);
timerstep += ( 100 - slide_speed );
opac += opacstep;
setTimeout('domObjChangeOpac('+opac+', sliderobj['+seed+']);', timerstep);
if ( opac >= jBox_opacity )
function slideIn(obj)
if ( obj.style.display != 'block' )
return false;
if ( jBoxSlideBlocker[obj.id] )
return false;
jBoxSlideBlocker[obj.id] = true;
var targetheight = 0;
var dim = fetch_dimensions(obj);
var currentheight = jBoxMenuHeights[obj.id];
var origheight = currentheight;
var inertiabase = inertia_base;
var inertiainc = inertia_inc;
domObjChangeOpac(100, obj);
obj.style.overflow = 'hidden';
// Don't edit past here
var timercnt = 0;
var seed = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
sliderobj[seed] = obj;
var framecnt = 0;
for(var j = 0;j<100;j++) // while(true)
timercnt = timercnt + ( 100 - slide_speed );
inertiabase = inertiabase + inertiainc;
currentheight = currentheight - inertiabase;
if ( currentheight < targetheight )
currentheight = targetheight;
setTimeout('slideStep(sliderobj['+seed+'], '+currentheight+');', timercnt);
if ( currentheight <= targetheight )
timercnt += ( 100 - slide_speed );
setTimeout('sliderobj['+seed+'].style.display="none";sliderobj['+seed+'].style.height="'+origheight+'px";jBoxSlideBlocker[sliderobj['+seed+'].id] = false;', timercnt);
var opacstep = jBox_opacity / framecnt;
var opac = jBox_opacity;
var timerstep = 0;
domObjChangeOpac(100, obj);
timerstep += ( 100 - slide_speed );
opac -= opacstep;
setTimeout('domObjChangeOpac('+opac+', sliderobj['+seed+']);', timerstep);
if ( opac <= 0 )
function slideStep(obj, height, maxheight)
obj.style.height = height + 'px';
//obj.style.clip = 'rect(3px,auto,'+maxheight+'px,auto)';
obj.style.overflow = 'hidden';
//obj.style.clip = 'rect('+height+'px,0px,'+maxheight+'px,auto);';
function isOverObj(obj, bias, event)
var fieldUL = new Object();
var dim = fetch_dimensions(obj);
var off = fetch_offset(obj);
fieldUL['top'] = off['top'];
fieldUL['left'] = off['left'];
fieldUL['right'] = off['left'] + dim['w'];
fieldUL['bottom'] = off['top'] + dim['h'];
var mouseY_local = mouseY + getScrollOffset();
// document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML = '<br />Mouse: x: '+mouseX+', y:' + mouseY + '<br />' + document.getElementById('debug').innerHTML;
if ( ( mouseX < fieldUL['left'] + 2 || mouseX > fieldUL['right'] - 5 ) ||
( mouseY_local < fieldUL['top'] - 2 || mouseY_local > fieldUL['bottom'] - 2 ) )
return false;
if ( ( mouseX < fieldUL['left'] || mouseX > fieldUL['right'] ) ||
( mouseY_local < fieldUL['top'] || mouseY_local > fieldUL['bottom'] ) )
return false;
return true;
function jBoxGarbageCollection(e)
var menus = document.getElementsByClassName('div', 'menu');
if ( menus.length > 0 )
for ( var i in menus )
if ( typeof(menus[i]) != 'object')
continue; // toJSONString() compatibility
var uls = menus[i].getElementsByTagName('ul');
if ( uls.length > 0 )
for ( var j = 0; j < uls.length; j++ )
if ( !isOverObj(uls[j], false, e) )
//uls[j].style.display = 'none';
var uls = getElementsByClassName(menus[i], 'divs', 'submenu');
if ( uls.length > 0 )
for ( var j = 0; j < uls.length; j++ )
if ( !isOverObj(uls[j], false, e) )
//uls[j].style.display = 'none';
document.onclick = jBoxGarbageCollection;
var getElementsByClassName = function(parent, type, cls) {
type = '*';
ret = new Array();
el = parent.getElementsByTagName(type);
for ( var i = 0; i < el.length; i++ )
if ( typeof(el[i]) != 'object')
continue; // toJSONString() compatibility
if(el[i].className.indexOf(' ') > 0)
classes = el[i].className.split(' ');
classes = new Array();
if ( in_array(cls, classes) )
return ret;
document.getElementsByClassName = function(type, cls) {
return getElementsByClassName(document, type, cls);
function setMousePos(event)
event = window.event;
clX = event.clientX;
if ( document.body )
sL = document.body.scrollLeft;
sL = 0;
mouseX = clX + sL;
mouseY = event.clientY + ( document.body ? document.body.scrollTop : 0 );
if( typeof(event.clientX) == 'number' )
mouseX = event.clientX;
mouseY = event.clientY;
else if( typeof(event.layerX) == 'number' )
mouseX = event.layerX;
mouseY = event.layerY;
else if( typeof(event.offsetX) == 'number' )
mouseX = event.offsetX;
mouseY = event.offsetY;
else if( typeof(event.screenX) == 'number' )
mouseX = event.screenX;
mouseY = event.screenY;
else if( typeof(event.x) == 'number' )
mouseX = event.x;
mouseY = event.y;
document.onmousemove = function(e)
function removeTextNodes(obj)
if(typeof(obj.tagName) != 'string' || ( String(obj) == '[object Text]' && is_Safari ) )
if ( ( obj.nodeType == 3 && obj.data.match(/^([\s]*)$/ig) ) ) // || ( typeof(obj.innerHTML) == undefined && is_Safari ) )
for(var i = 0; i < obj.childNodes.length; i++)