changeset 1027 98c052fc3337
parent 1026 f0431eb8161e
child 1028 dde4416dea00
--- a/includes/wikiengine/Parse/Default/Smiley.php	Sun Jun 21 00:16:21 2009 -0400
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-// vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4:
- * Default: Parses for smileys / emoticons tags
- *
- * This class implements a Text_Wiki_Rule to find source text marked as
- * smileys defined by symbols as ':)' , ':-)' or ':smile:'
- * The symbol is replaced with a token.
- *
- * PHP versions 4 and 5
- *
- * @category   Text
- * @package    Text_Wiki
- * @author     Bertrand Gugger <>
- * @copyright  2005 bertrand Gugger
- * @license  LGPL License 2.1
- * @version    CVS: $Id: Smiley.php,v 1.6 2005/10/04 08:17:51 toggg Exp $
- * @link
- */
- * Smiley rule parser class for Default.
- *
- * @category   Text
- * @package    Text_Wiki
- * @author     Bertrand Gugger <>
- * @copyright  2005 bertrand Gugger
- * @license  LGPL License 2.1
- * @version    Release: @package_version@
- * @link
- * @see        Text_Wiki_Parse::Text_Wiki_Parse()
- */
-class Text_Wiki_Parse_Smiley extends Text_Wiki_Parse {
-    /**
-     * Configuration keys for this rule
-     * 'smileys' => array Smileys recognized by this rule, symbols key definitions:
-     *              'symbol' => array ( 'name', 'description' [, 'variante', ...] ) as
-     *                  ':)'  => array('smile', 'Smile'),
-     *                  ':D'  => array('biggrin', 'Very Happy',':grin:'),
-     *              the eventual elements after symbol and description are variantes
-     *
-     * 'auto_nose' => boolean enabling the auto nose feature:
-     *                auto build a variante for 2 chars symbols by inserting a '-' as ':)' <=> ':-)'
-     *
-     * @access public
-     * @var array 'config-key' => mixed config-value
-     */
-    var $conf = array(
-        'smileys' => array(
-            ':D'        => array('biggrin', 'Very Happy', ':grin:'),
-            ':)'        => array('smile', 'Smile', '(:'),
-            ':('        => array('sad', 'Sad', '):'),
-            ':o'        => array('surprised', 'Surprised', ':eek:', 'o:'),
-            ':shock:'   => array('eek', 'Shocked'),
-            ':?'        => array('confused', 'Confused', ':???:'),
-            '8)'        => array('cool', 'Cool', '(8'),
-            ':lol:'     => array('lol', 'Laughing'),
-            ':x'        => array('mad', 'Mad'),
-            ':P'        => array('razz', 'Razz'),
-            ':oops:'    => array('redface', 'Embarassed'),
-            ':cry:'     => array('cry', 'Crying or Very sad'),
-            ':evil:'    => array('evil', 'Evil or Very Mad'),
-            ':twisted:' => array('twisted', 'Twisted Evil'),
-            ':roll:'    => array('rolleyes', 'Rolling Eyes'),
-            ';)'        => array('wink', 'Wink', '(;'),
-            ':!:'       => array('exclaim', 'Exclamation'),
-            ':?:'       => array('question', 'Question'),
-            ':idea:'    => array('idea', 'Idea'),
-            ':arrow:'   => array('arrow', 'Arrow'),
-            ':|'        => array('neutral', 'Neutral', '|:'),
-            ':mrgreen:' => array('mrgreen', 'Mr. Green'),
-        ),
-        'auto_nose' => true
-    );
-    /**
-     * Definition array of smileys, variantes references their model
-     * 'symbol' => array ( 'name', 'description')
-     *
-     * @access private
-     * @var array 'config-key' => mixed config-value
-     */
-    var $_smileys = array();
-     /**
-     * Constructor.
-     * We override the constructor to build up the regex from config
-     *
-     * @param object &$obj the base conversion handler
-     * @return The parser object
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function Text_Wiki_Parse_Smiley(&$obj)
-    {
-        $default = $this->conf;
-        parent::Text_Wiki_Parse($obj);
-        // read the list of smileys to sort out variantes and :xxx: while building the regexp
-        $this->_smileys = $this->getConf('smileys', $default['smileys']);
-        $autoNose = $this->getConf('auto_nose', $default['auto_nose']);
-        $reg1 = $reg2 = '';
-        $sep1 = ':(?:';
-        $sep2 = '';
-        foreach ($this->_smileys as $smiley => $def) {
-            for ($i = 1; $i < count($def); $i++) {
-                if ($i > 1) {
-                    $cur = $def[$i];
-                    $this->_smileys[$cur] = &$this->_smileys[$smiley];
-                } else {
-                    $cur = $smiley;
-                }
-                $len = strlen($cur);
-                if (($cur{0} == ':') && ($len > 2) && ($cur{$len - 1} == ':')) {
-                    $reg1 .= $sep1 . preg_quote(substr($cur, 1, -1), '#');
-                    $sep1 = '|';
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if ($autoNose && ($len === 2)) {
-                    $variante = $cur{0} . '-' . $cur{1};
-                    $this->_smileys[$variante] = &$this->_smileys[$smiley];
-                    $cur = preg_quote($cur{0}, '#') . '-?' . preg_quote($cur{1}, '#');
-                } else {
-                    $cur = preg_quote($cur, '#');
-                }
-                $reg2 .= $sep2 . $cur;
-                $sep2 = '|';
-            }
-        }
-        $delim = '[\n\r\s' . $this->wiki->delim . '$^]';
-        $this->regex = '#(?<=' . $delim .
-             ')(' . ($reg1 ? $reg1 . '):' . ($reg2 ? '|' : '') : '') . $reg2 .
-             ')(?=' . $delim . ')#i';
-    }
-    /**
-     * Generates a replacement token for the matched text.  Token options are:
-     *     'symbol' => the original marker
-     *     'name' => the name of the smiley
-     *     'desc' => the description of the smiley
-     *
-     * @param array &$matches The array of matches from parse().
-     * @return string Delimited token representing the smiley
-     * @access public
-     */
-    function process(&$matches)
-    {
-        // tokenize
-        return $this->wiki->addToken($this->rule,
-            array(
-                'symbol' => $matches[1],
-                'name'   => $this->_smileys[$matches[1]][0],
-                'desc'   => $this->_smileys[$matches[1]][1]
-            ));
-    }