changeset 335 67bd3121a12e
parent 334 c72b545f1304
child 336 bfa2e9c23f03
--- a/includes/clientside/tinymce/plugins/flash/editor_plugin_src.js	Wed Dec 26 00:37:26 2007 -0500
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
- * $Id: editor_plugin_src.js 201 2007-02-12 15:56:56Z spocke $
- *
- * @author Moxiecode
- * @copyright Copyright © 2004-2007, Moxiecode Systems AB, All rights reserved.
- */
-/* Import plugin specific language pack */
-var TinyMCE_FlashPlugin = {
-	getInfo : function() {
-		return {
-			longname : 'Flash',
-			author : 'Moxiecode Systems AB',
-			authorurl : '',
-			infourl : '',
-			version : tinyMCE.majorVersion + "." + tinyMCE.minorVersion
-		};
-	},
-	initInstance : function(inst) {
-		if (!tinyMCE.settings['flash_skip_plugin_css'])
-			tinyMCE.importCSS(inst.getDoc(), tinyMCE.baseURL + "/plugins/flash/css/content.css");
-	},
-	getControlHTML : function(cn) {
-		switch (cn) {
-			case "flash":
-				return tinyMCE.getButtonHTML(cn, 'lang_flash_desc', '{$pluginurl}/images/flash.gif', 'mceFlash');
-		}
-		return "";
-	},
-	execCommand : function(editor_id, element, command, user_interface, value) {
-		// Handle commands
-		switch (command) {
-			case "mceFlash":
-				var name = "", swffile = "", swfwidth = "", swfheight = "", action = "insert";
-				var template = new Array();
-				var inst = tinyMCE.getInstanceById(editor_id);
-				var focusElm = inst.getFocusElement();
-				template['file']   = '../../plugins/flash/flash.htm'; // Relative to theme
-				template['width']  = 430;
-				template['height'] = 175;
-				template['width'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_flash_delta_width', 0);
-				template['height'] += tinyMCE.getLang('lang_flash_delta_height', 0);
-				// Is selection a image
-				if (focusElm != null && focusElm.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "img") {
-					name = tinyMCE.getAttrib(focusElm, 'class');
-					if (name.indexOf('mceItemFlash') == -1) // Not a Flash
-						return true;
-					// Get rest of Flash items
-					swffile = tinyMCE.getAttrib(focusElm, 'alt');
-					if (tinyMCE.getParam('convert_urls'))
-						swffile = eval(tinyMCE.settings['urlconverter_callback'] + "(swffile, null, true);");
-					swfwidth = tinyMCE.getAttrib(focusElm, 'width');
-					swfheight = tinyMCE.getAttrib(focusElm, 'height');
-					action = "update";
-				}
-				tinyMCE.openWindow(template, {editor_id : editor_id, inline : "yes", swffile : swffile, swfwidth : swfwidth, swfheight : swfheight, action : action});
-			return true;
-	   }
-	   // Pass to next handler in chain
-	   return false;
-	},
-	cleanup : function(type, content) {
-		switch (type) {
-			case "insert_to_editor_dom":
-				// Force relative/absolute
-				if (tinyMCE.getParam('convert_urls')) {
-					var imgs = content.getElementsByTagName("img");
-					for (var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) {
-						if (tinyMCE.getAttrib(imgs[i], "class") == "mceItemFlash") {
-							var src = tinyMCE.getAttrib(imgs[i], "alt");
-							if (tinyMCE.getParam('convert_urls'))
-								src = eval(tinyMCE.settings['urlconverter_callback'] + "(src, null, true);");
-							imgs[i].setAttribute('alt', src);
-							imgs[i].setAttribute('title', src);
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			case "get_from_editor_dom":
-				var imgs = content.getElementsByTagName("img");
-				for (var i=0; i<imgs.length; i++) {
-					if (tinyMCE.getAttrib(imgs[i], "class") == "mceItemFlash") {
-						var src = tinyMCE.getAttrib(imgs[i], "alt");
-						if (tinyMCE.getParam('convert_urls'))
-							src = eval(tinyMCE.settings['urlconverter_callback'] + "(src, null, true);");
-						imgs[i].setAttribute('alt', src);
-						imgs[i].setAttribute('title', src);
-					}
-				}
-				break;
-			case "insert_to_editor":
-				var startPos = 0;
-				var embedList = new Array();
-				// Fix the embed and object elements
-				content = content.replace(new RegExp('<[ ]*embed','gi'),'<embed');
-				content = content.replace(new RegExp('<[ ]*/embed[ ]*>','gi'),'</embed>');
-				content = content.replace(new RegExp('<[ ]*object','gi'),'<object');
-				content = content.replace(new RegExp('<[ ]*/object[ ]*>','gi'),'</object>');
-				// Parse all embed tags
-				while ((startPos = content.indexOf('<embed', startPos+1)) != -1) {
-					var endPos = content.indexOf('>', startPos);
-					var attribs = TinyMCE_FlashPlugin._parseAttributes(content.substring(startPos + 6, endPos));
-					embedList[embedList.length] = attribs;
-				}
-				// Parse all object tags and replace them with images from the embed data
-				var index = 0;
-				while ((startPos = content.indexOf('<object', startPos)) != -1) {
-					if (index >= embedList.length)
-						break;
-					var attribs = embedList[index];
-					// Find end of object
-					endPos = content.indexOf('</object>', startPos);
-					endPos += 9;
-					// Insert image
-					var contentAfter = content.substring(endPos);
-					content = content.substring(0, startPos);
-					content += '<img width="' + attribs["width"] + '" height="' + attribs["height"] + '"';
-					content += ' src="' + (tinyMCE.getParam("theme_href") + '/images/spacer.gif') + '" title="' + attribs["src"] + '"';
-					content += ' alt="' + attribs["src"] + '" class="mceItemFlash" />' + content.substring(endPos);
-					content += contentAfter;
-					index++;
-					startPos++;
-				}
-				// Parse all embed tags and replace them with images from the embed data
-				var index = 0;
-				while ((startPos = content.indexOf('<embed', startPos)) != -1) {
-					if (index >= embedList.length)
-						break;
-					var attribs = embedList[index];
-					// Find end of embed
-					endPos = content.indexOf('>', startPos);
-					endPos += 9;
-					// Insert image
-					var contentAfter = content.substring(endPos);
-					content = content.substring(0, startPos);
-					content += '<img width="' + attribs["width"] + '" height="' + attribs["height"] + '"';
-					content += ' src="' + (tinyMCE.getParam("theme_href") + '/images/spacer.gif') + '" title="' + attribs["src"] + '"';
-					content += ' alt="' + attribs["src"] + '" class="mceItemFlash" />' + content.substring(endPos);
-					content += contentAfter;
-					index++;
-					startPos++;
-				}
-				break;
-			case "get_from_editor":
-				// Parse all img tags and replace them with object+embed
-				var startPos = -1;
-				while ((startPos = content.indexOf('<img', startPos+1)) != -1) {
-					var endPos = content.indexOf('/>', startPos);
-					var attribs = TinyMCE_FlashPlugin._parseAttributes(content.substring(startPos + 4, endPos));
-					// Is not flash, skip it
-					if (attribs['class'] != "mceItemFlash")
-						continue;
-					endPos += 2;
-					var embedHTML = '';
-					var wmode = tinyMCE.getParam("flash_wmode", "");
-					var quality = tinyMCE.getParam("flash_quality", "high");
-					var menu = tinyMCE.getParam("flash_menu", "false");
-					// Insert object + embed
-					embedHTML += '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"';
-					embedHTML += ' codebase=",0,29,0"';
-					embedHTML += ' width="' + attribs["width"] + '" height="' + attribs["height"] + '">';
-					embedHTML += '<param name="movie" value="' + attribs["title"] + '" />';
-					embedHTML += '<param name="quality" value="' + quality + '" />';
-					embedHTML += '<param name="menu" value="' + menu + '" />';
-					embedHTML += '<param name="wmode" value="' + wmode + '" />';
-					embedHTML += '<embed src="' + attribs["title"] + '" wmode="' + wmode + '" quality="' + quality + '" menu="' + menu + '" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="' + attribs["width"] + '" height="' + attribs["height"] + '"></embed></object>';
-					// Insert embed/object chunk
-					chunkBefore = content.substring(0, startPos);
-					chunkAfter = content.substring(endPos);
-					content = chunkBefore + embedHTML + chunkAfter;
-				}
-				break;
-		}
-		// Pass through to next handler in chain
-		return content;
-	},
-	handleNodeChange : function(editor_id, node, undo_index, undo_levels, visual_aid, any_selection) {
-		if (node == null)
-			return;
-		do {
-			if (node.nodeName == "IMG" && tinyMCE.getAttrib(node, 'class').indexOf('mceItemFlash') == 0) {
-				tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_flash', 'mceButtonSelected');
-				return true;
-			}
-		} while ((node = node.parentNode));
-		tinyMCE.switchClass(editor_id + '_flash', 'mceButtonNormal');
-		return true;
-	},
-	// Private plugin internal functions
-	_parseAttributes : function(attribute_string) {
-		var attributeName = "";
-		var attributeValue = "";
-		var withInName;
-		var withInValue;
-		var attributes = new Array();
-		var whiteSpaceRegExp = new RegExp('^[ \n\r\t]+', 'g');
-		if (attribute_string == null || attribute_string.length < 2)
-			return null;
-		withInName = withInValue = false;
-		for (var i=0; i<attribute_string.length; i++) {
-			var chr = attribute_string.charAt(i);
-			if ((chr == '"' || chr == "'") && !withInValue)
-				withInValue = true;
-			else if ((chr == '"' || chr == "'") && withInValue) {
-				withInValue = false;
-				var pos = attributeName.lastIndexOf(' ');
-				if (pos != -1)
-					attributeName = attributeName.substring(pos+1);
-				attributes[attributeName.toLowerCase()] = attributeValue.substring(1);
-				attributeName = "";
-				attributeValue = "";
-			} else if (!whiteSpaceRegExp.test(chr) && !withInName && !withInValue)
-				withInName = true;
-			if (chr == '=' && withInName)
-				withInName = false;
-			if (withInName)
-				attributeName += chr;
-			if (withInValue)
-				attributeValue += chr;
-		}
-		return attributes;
-	}
-tinyMCE.addPlugin("flash", TinyMCE_FlashPlugin);