+ − 1
+ − 2
+ − 3
+ − 4
* Enano - an open-source CMS capable of wiki functions, Drupal-like sidebar blocks, and everything in between
Made the move to Loch Ness, and got some basic page grouping functionality working. TODO: fix some UI issues in Javascript ACL editor and change non-JS ACL editor to work with page groups too
+ − 5
* Version 1.0.1 (Loch Ness)
+ − 6
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
+ − 7
+ − 8
* This program is Free Software; you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ − 9
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ − 10
+ − 11
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+ − 12
* warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for details.
+ − 13
+ − 14
* The "emailer" class was ported from phpBB 2.0. Copyright (C) 2002-2006 phpBB Group. phpBB is licensed under the GPLv2.
+ − 15
+ − 16
+ − 17
+ − 18
// The emailer class has support for attaching files, that isn't implemented
+ − 19
// in the 2.0 release but we can probable find some way of using it in a future
+ − 20
// release
+ − 21
+ − 22
class emailer
+ − 23
+ − 24
var $msg, $subject, $extra_headers;
+ − 25
var $addresses, $reply_to, $from;
+ − 26
var $use_smtp;
+ − 27
+ − 28
var $tpl_msg;
+ − 29
+ − 30
function emailer($use_smtp)
+ − 31
+ − 32
+ − 33
$this->use_smtp = $use_smtp;
+ − 34
$this->reply_to = $this->from = '';
+ − 35
+ − 36
+ − 37
// Resets all the data (address, template file, etc etc to default
+ − 38
function reset()
+ − 39
+ − 40
$this->addresses = array();
+ − 41
$this->vars = $this->msg = $this->extra_headers = '';
+ − 42
+ − 43
+ − 44
// Sets an email address to send to
+ − 45
function email_address($address)
+ − 46
+ − 47
$this->addresses['to'] = trim($address);
+ − 48
+ − 49
+ − 50
function cc($address)
+ − 51
+ − 52
$this->addresses['cc'][] = trim($address);
+ − 53
+ − 54
+ − 55
function bcc($address)
+ − 56
+ − 57
$this->addresses['bcc'][] = trim($address);
+ − 58
+ − 59
+ − 60
function replyto($address)
+ − 61
+ − 62
$this->reply_to = trim($address);
+ − 63
+ − 64
+ − 65
function from($address)
+ − 66
+ − 67
$this->from = trim($address);
+ − 68
+ − 69
+ − 70
// set up subject for mail
+ − 71
function set_subject($subject = '')
+ − 72
+ − 73
$this->subject = trim(preg_replace('#[\n\r]+#s', '', $subject));
+ − 74
+ − 75
+ − 76
// set up extra mail headers
+ − 77
function extra_headers($headers)
+ − 78
+ − 79
$this->extra_headers .= trim($headers) . "\n";
+ − 80
+ − 81
+ − 82
function use_template($template_code)
+ − 83
+ − 84
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 85
+ − 86
$this->tpl_msg = $template->makeParserText($template_code);
+ − 87
+ − 88
return true;
+ − 89
+ − 90
+ − 91
// assign variables
+ − 92
function assign_vars($vars)
+ − 93
+ − 94
if ( is_object($this->tpl_msg) )
+ − 95
+ − 96
+ − 97
+ − 98
+ − 99
+ − 100
die_friendly(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Can\'t set vars, the template is not set');
+ − 101
+ − 102
+ − 103
+ − 104
// Send the mail out to the recipients set previously in var $this->address
+ − 105
function send()
+ − 106
+ − 107
global $db, $session, $paths, $template, $plugins; // Common objects
+ − 108
+ − 109
$this->msg = $this->tpl_msg->run();
+ − 110
if ( empty($this->msg) )
+ − 111
+ − 112
die_friendly(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Template for e-mail message returned a blank');
+ − 113
+ − 114
+ − 115
// We now try and pull a subject from the email body ... if it exists,
+ − 116
// do this here because the subject may contain a variable
+ − 117
$drop_header = '';
+ − 118
$match = array();
+ − 119
if (preg_match('#^(Subject:(.*?))$#m', $this->msg, $match))
+ − 120
+ − 121
$this->subject = (trim($match[2]) != '') ? trim($match[2]) : (($this->subject != '') ? $this->subject : 'No Subject');
+ − 122
$drop_header .= '[\r\n]*?' . preg_quote($match[1], '#');
+ − 123
+ − 124
+ − 125
+ − 126
$this->subject = (($this->subject != '') ? $this->subject : 'No Subject');
+ − 127
+ − 128
+ − 129
if (preg_match('#^(Charset:(.*?))$#m', $this->msg, $match))
+ − 130
+ − 131
$this->encoding = (trim($match[2]) != '') ? trim($match[2]) : trim('iso-8859-1');
+ − 132
$drop_header .= '[\r\n]*?' . preg_quote($match[1], '#');
+ − 133
+ − 134
+ − 135
+ − 136
$this->encoding = trim('iso-8859-1');
+ − 137
+ − 138
+ − 139
if ($drop_header != '')
+ − 140
+ − 141
$this->msg = trim(preg_replace('#' . $drop_header . '#s', '', $this->msg));
+ − 142
+ − 143
+ − 144
$to = $this->addresses['to'];
+ − 145
+ − 146
$cc = (count($this->addresses['cc'])) ? implode(', ', $this->addresses['cc']) : '';
+ − 147
$bcc = (count($this->addresses['bcc'])) ? implode(', ', $this->addresses['bcc']) : '';
+ − 148
+ − 149
// Build header
+ − 150
$this->extra_headers = (($this->reply_to != '') ? "Reply-to: $this->reply_to\n" : '') .
+ − 151
(($this->from != '') ? "From: $this->from\n" : "From: " . getConfig('contact_email') . "\n") .
+ − 152
"Return-Path: " . getConfig('contact_email') .
+ − 153
"\nMessage-ID: <" . md5(uniqid(time())) . "@" . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . ">\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/plain; charset=" . $this->encoding .
+ − 154
"\nContent-transfer-encoding: 8bit\nDate: " . date('r', time()) .
+ − 155
"\nX-Priority: 3\nX-MSMail-Priority: Normal\nX-Mailer: PHP\nX-MimeOLE: Produced By Enano CMS\n" .
+ − 156
$this->extra_headers .
+ − 157
(($cc != '') ? "Cc: $cc\n" : '') .
+ − 158
(($bcc != '') ? "Bcc: $bcc\n" : '');
+ − 159
+ − 160
+ − 161
+ − 162
// Send message ... removed $this->encode() from subject for time being
+ − 163
if ( $this->use_smtp )
+ − 164
+ − 165
$result = smtp_send_email_core($to, $this->subject, $this->msg, $this->extra_headers);
+ − 166
+ − 167
+ − 168
+ − 169
$empty_to_header = ($to == '') ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ − 170
$to = ($to == '') ? ((getConfig('sendmail_fix')=='1') ? ' ' : 'Undisclosed-recipients:;') : $to;
+ − 171
+ − 172
$result = @mail($to, $this->subject, preg_replace("#(?<!\r)\n#s", "\n", $this->msg), $this->extra_headers);
+ − 173
+ − 174
if (!$result && !getConfig('sendmail_fix') && $empty_to_header)
+ − 175
+ − 176
$to = ' ';
+ − 177
+ − 178
setConfig('sendmail_fix', '1');
+ − 179
+ − 180
$result = @mail($to, $this->subject, preg_replace("#(?<!\r)\n#s", "\n", $this->msg), $this->extra_headers);
+ − 181
+ − 182
+ − 183
+ − 184
// Did it work?
+ − 185
if (!$result || ( $this->use_smtp && $result != 'success' ))
+ − 186
+ − 187
die_friendly(GENERAL_ERROR, 'Failed sending email :: ' . (($this->use_smtp) ? 'SMTP' : 'PHP') . ' :: ' . $result);
+ − 188
+ − 189
+ − 190
return true;
+ − 191
+ − 192
+ − 193
// Encodes the given string for proper display for this encoding ... nabbed
+ − 194
// from php.net and modified. There is an alternative encoding method which
+ − 195
// may produce lesd output but it's questionable as to its worth in this
+ − 196
// scenario IMO
+ − 197
function encode($str)
+ − 198
+ − 199
if ($this->encoding == '')
+ − 200
+ − 201
return $str;
+ − 202
+ − 203
+ − 204
// define start delimimter, end delimiter and spacer
+ − 205
$end = "?=";
+ − 206
$start = "=?$this->encoding?B?";
+ − 207
$spacer = "$end\r\n $start";
+ − 208
+ − 209
// determine length of encoded text within chunks and ensure length is even
+ − 210
$length = 75 - strlen($start) - strlen($end);
+ − 211
$length = floor($length / 2) * 2;
+ − 212
+ − 213
// encode the string and split it into chunks with spacers after each chunk
+ − 214
$str = chunk_split(base64_encode($str), $length, $spacer);
+ − 215
+ − 216
// remove trailing spacer and add start and end delimiters
+ − 217
$str = preg_replace('#' . preg_quote($spacer, '#') . '$#', '', $str);
+ − 218
+ − 219
return $start . $str . $end;
+ − 220
+ − 221
+ − 222
+ − 223
// Attach files via MIME.
+ − 224
+ − 225
function attachFile($filename, $mimetype = "application/octet-stream", $szFromAddress, $szFilenameToDisplay)
+ − 226
+ − 227
global $lang;
+ − 228
$mime_boundary = "--==================_846811060==_";
+ − 229
+ − 230
$this->msg = '--' . $mime_boundary . "\nContent-Type: text/plain;\n\tcharset=".'"' . $lang['ENCODING'] . '"'."\n\n" . $this->msg;
+ − 231
+ − 232
if ($mime_filename)
+ − 233
+ − 234
$filename = $mime_filename;
+ − 235
$encoded = $this->encode_file($filename);
+ − 236
+ − 237
+ − 238
$fd = fopen($filename, "r");
+ − 239
$contents = fread($fd, filesize($filename));
+ − 240
+ − 241
$this->mimeOut = "--" . $mime_boundary . "\n";
+ − 242
$this->mimeOut .= "Content-Type: " . $mimetype . ";\n\tname=".'"'."$szFilenameToDisplay".'"'."\n";
+ − 243
$this->mimeOut .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable\n";
+ − 244
$this->mimeOut .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;\n\tfilename=".'"'."$szFilenameToDisplay".'"'."\n\n";
+ − 245
+ − 246
if ( $mimetype == "message/rfc822" )
+ − 247
+ − 248
$this->mimeOut .= "From: ".$szFromAddress."\n";
+ − 249
$this->mimeOut .= "To: ".$this->emailAddress."\n";
+ − 250
$this->mimeOut .= "Date: ".date("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " UT\n";
+ − 251
$this->mimeOut .= "Reply-To:".$szFromAddress."\n";
+ − 252
$this->mimeOut .= "Subject: ".$this->mailSubject."\n";
+ − 253
$this->mimeOut .= "X-Mailer: PHP/".phpversion()."\n";
+ − 254
$this->mimeOut .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
+ − 255
+ − 256
+ − 257
$this->mimeOut .= $contents."\n";
+ − 258
$this->mimeOut .= "--" . $mime_boundary . "--" . "\n";
+ − 259
+ − 260
return $out;
+ − 261
// added -- to notify email client attachment is done
+ − 262
+ − 263
+ − 264
function getMimeHeaders($filename, $mime_filename="")
+ − 265
+ − 266
$mime_boundary = "--==================_846811060==_";
+ − 267
+ − 268
if ($mime_filename)
+ − 269
+ − 270
$filename = $mime_filename;
+ − 271
+ − 272
+ − 273
$out = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
+ − 274
$out .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n\tboundary=".'"'."$mime_boundary".'"'."\n\n";
+ − 275
$out .= "This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand\n";
+ − 276
$out .= "this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.";
+ − 277
+ − 278
return $out;
+ − 279
+ − 280
+ − 281
+ − 282
// Split string by RFC 2045 semantics (76 chars per line, end with \r\n).
+ − 283
+ − 284
function myChunkSplit($str)
+ − 285
+ − 286
$stmp = $str;
+ − 287
$len = strlen($stmp);
+ − 288
$out = "";
+ − 289
+ − 290
while ($len > 0)
+ − 291
+ − 292
if ($len >= 76)
+ − 293
+ − 294
$out .= substr($stmp, 0, 76) . "\r\n";
+ − 295
$stmp = substr($stmp, 76);
+ − 296
$len = $len - 76;
+ − 297
+ − 298
+ − 299
+ − 300
$out .= $stmp . "\r\n";
+ − 301
$stmp = "";
+ − 302
$len = 0;
+ − 303
+ − 304
+ − 305
return $out;
+ − 306
+ − 307
+ − 308
+ − 309
// Split the specified file up into a string and return it
+ − 310
+ − 311
function encode_file($sourcefile)
+ − 312
+ − 313
if (is_readable(@realpath($sourcefile)))
+ − 314
+ − 315
$fd = fopen($sourcefile, "r");
+ − 316
$contents = fread($fd, filesize($sourcefile));
+ − 317
$encoded = $this->myChunkSplit(base64_encode($contents));
+ − 318
+ − 319
+ − 320
+ − 321
return $encoded;
+ − 322
+ − 323
+ − 324
} // class emailer
+ − 325
+ − 326
+ − 327
+ − 328
* This code is copyright (C) 2004 Jim Tucek
+ − 329
* PHP version ported from Javascript by Dan Fuhry
+ − 330
* All rights reserved.
+ − 331
* @link http://www.jracademy.com/~jtucek/email/
+ − 332
* @license GNU General Public License v2, permission obtained specifically for Enano
+ − 333
+ − 334
+ − 335
class EmailEncryptor
+ − 336
+ − 337
+ − 338
var $primes = Array(2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, 127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199);
+ − 339
+ − 340
function __construct()
+ − 341
+ − 342
$i = 0;
+ − 343
$this->p = 0;
+ − 344
$this->q = 0;
+ − 345
while($this->p * $this->q < 255 || $this->p == $this->q)
+ − 346
+ − 347
$this->p = $this->primes[mt_rand(0, sizeof($this->primes)-1)];
+ − 348
$this->q = $this->primes[mt_rand(0, sizeof($this->primes)-1)];
+ − 349
+ − 350
+ − 351
+ − 352
function EmailEncryptor()
+ − 353
+ − 354
+ − 355
+ − 356
+ − 357
function testAll() {
+ − 358
$size = sizeof($this->primes);
+ − 359
+ − 360
$allCharacters = "";
+ − 361
for($c = 33; $c <= 126; $c++)
+ − 362
$allCharacters = $allCharacters . $this->fromCharCode($c);
+ − 363
+ − 364
for($i = 0; $i < $size - 1; $i++) {
+ − 365
for($j = $i + 1; $j < $size; $j++) {
+ − 366
$this->p = $this->primes[$i];
+ − 367
$this->q = $this->primes[$j];
+ − 368
if($this->p*$this->q < 255)
+ − 369
+ − 370
$k = $this->makeKey($allCharacters);
+ − 371
die('<pre>'.print_r($k, true).'</pre>');
+ − 372
$encrypted = $k['X'];
+ − 373
$decrypted = $this->goForth($encrypted,$this->p*$this->q,$k['D']);
+ − 374
if($decrypted != $allCharacters) {
+ − 375
die('Test failed');
+ − 376
+ − 377
+ − 378
+ − 379
return 'GOOD';
+ − 380
+ − 381
+ − 382
function charCodeAt($str, $i)
+ − 383
+ − 384
return ord(substr($str, $i, 1));
+ − 385
+ − 386
+ − 387
function fromCharCode($str)
+ − 388
+ − 389
return chr($str);
+ − 390
+ − 391
+ − 392
function MakeArray($l) {
+ − 393
$a = Array();
+ − 394
+ − 395
do {
+ − 396
+ − 397
+ − 398
} while($i < $l);
+ − 399
return $a;
+ − 400
+ − 401
+ − 402
function makeKey($addr,$subj = '',$body = '') {
+ − 403
$value = "";
+ − 404
+ − 405
if($this->p * $this->q < 255)
+ − 406
+ − 407
return("P*Q must be greater than 255! P*Q = " . $this->p*$this->q);
+ − 408
+ − 409
elseif($this->p == $this->q)
+ − 410
+ − 411
return("P cannot be equal to Q!");
+ − 412
+ − 413
elseif($addr == "")
+ − 414
+ − 415
return("You must enter an address to encrypt!");
+ − 416
+ − 417
+ − 418
+ − 419
// Make the key
+ − 420
$c = 0;
+ − 421
$z = ($this->p-1)*($this->q-1);
+ − 422
$e = 0;
+ − 423
$n = $this->p*$this->q;
+ − 424
$d = 0;
+ − 425
+ − 426
do {
+ − 427
+ − 428
$d = $this->getKey($this->primes[$e],$z);
+ − 429
} while($d==1);
+ − 430
$e = $this->primes[$e];
+ − 431
+ − 432
// Turn the string into an array of numbers < 255
+ − 433
$m = $addr;
+ − 434
$emailLength = strlen($m);
+ − 435
$justEmail = "";
+ − 436
$sep = ( strstr('?', $m) ) ? '&' : '?';
+ − 437
if($subj != "") {
+ − 438
$m = $m . "{$sep}subject=" . $subj;
+ − 439
+ − 440
$sep = ( strstr($m, '?') ) ? '&' : '?';
+ − 441
if($body != "") {
+ − 442
$m = $m . "{$sep}body=" . $body;
+ − 443
+ − 444
+ − 445
$length = strlen($m);
+ − 446
$theString = $this->MakeArray($length);
+ − 447
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
+ − 448
$theString[$i] = $this->charCodeAt($m, $i);
+ − 449
+ − 450
+ − 451
// Encrypt each of the numbers
+ − 452
$theCode = $this->MakeArray($length);
+ − 453
$c = "";
+ − 454
$temp = 0;
+ − 455
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
+ − 456
if($i != 0)
+ − 457
$c .= " ";
+ − 458
$temp = $this->myMod($theString[$i],$e,$n);
+ − 459
$theCode[$i] = $temp;
+ − 460
$c .= $temp;
+ − 461
if($i == $emailLength - 1)
+ − 462
$justEmail = $c;
+ − 463
+ − 464
+ − 465
return Array('X'=>$justEmail, 'N'=>$n, 'D'=>$d, 'E'=>$e, 'C'=>$c, 'M'=>$m);
+ − 466
+ − 467
+ − 468
// Finds x^e % y for large values of (x^e)
+ − 469
function myMod($x,$e,$y) {
+ − 470
if ($e % 2 == 0) {
+ − 471
$answer = 1;
+ − 472
for($i = 1; $i <= e/2; $i++) {
+ − 473
$temp = ($x*$x) % $y;
+ − 474
$answer = ($temp*$answer) % $y;
+ − 475
+ − 476
} else {
+ − 477
$answer = $x;
+ − 478
for($i = 1; $i <= $e/2; $i++) {
+ − 479
$temp = ($x*$x) % $y;
+ − 480
$answer = ($temp*$answer) % $y;
+ − 481
+ − 482
+ − 483
return $answer;
+ − 484
+ − 485
+ − 486
+ − 487
function getKey($e,$z) {
+ − 488
$A = 1;
+ − 489
$B = 0;
+ − 490
$C = $z;
+ − 491
$F = 0;
+ − 492
$G = 1;
+ − 493
$bar = $e;
+ − 494
// Euclid's Algorithm:
+ − 495
while ($bar != 0) {
+ − 496
$foo = floor($C/$bar);
+ − 497
$K = $A - $foo * $F;
+ − 498
$L = $B - $foo * $G;
+ − 499
$M = $C - $foo * $bar;
+ − 500
$A = $F;
+ − 501
$B = $G;
+ − 502
$C = $bar;
+ − 503
$F = $K;
+ − 504
$G = $L;
+ − 505
$bar = $M;
+ − 506
+ − 507
if ($B < 0)
+ − 508
+ − 509
return ($B + $z);
+ − 510
+ − 511
+ − 512
+ − 513
return ($B);
+ − 514
+ − 515
+ − 516
+ − 517
function goForth($c,$n,$d) {
+ − 518
$c .= " ";
+ − 519
$length = strlen($c);
+ − 520
$number = 0;
+ − 521
$bar = 0;
+ − 522
$answer = "";
+ − 523
+ − 524
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
+ − 525
$number = 0;
+ − 526
$bar = 0;
+ − 527
while($this->charCodeAt($c, $i) != 32) {
+ − 528
$number = $number * 10;
+ − 529
$number = $number + $this->charCodeAt($c, $i)-48;
+ − 530
+ − 531
+ − 532
$answer .= $this->fromCharCode($this->decrypt($number,$n,$d));
+ − 533
+ − 534
return $answer;
+ − 535
+ − 536
+ − 537
function decrypt($c,$n,$d) {
+ − 538
// Split exponents up
+ − 539
if ($d % 2== 0) {
+ − 540
$bar = 1;
+ − 541
for($i = 1; $i <= $d/2; $i++) {
+ − 542
$foo = ($c*$c) % $n;
+ − 543
$bar = ($foo*$bar) % $n;
+ − 544
+ − 545
} else {
+ − 546
$bar = $c;
+ − 547
for($i = 1; $i <= $d/2; $i++) {
+ − 548
$foo = ($c*$c) % $n;
+ − 549
$bar = ($foo*$bar) % $n;
+ − 550
+ − 551
+ − 552
return $bar;
+ − 553
+ − 554
+ − 555
function writeOptions() {
+ − 556
$size = sizeof($this->primes);
+ − 557
for($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++)
+ − 558
echo("<option value=".'"'.""+$this->primes[$i]+"".'"'.">"+$this->primes[$i]+"</option>");
+ − 559
+ − 560
+ − 561
function jscode() {
+ − 562
return "<script type='text/javascript'>\n// <![CDATA[\nfunction dive(absorption,alchemy,friendship) { absorption += ' '; var file = absorption.length; var sand = 0; var closet = ''; for(var assistant = 0; assistant < file; assistant++) { sand = 0; while(absorption.charCodeAt(assistant) != 32) { sand = sand * 10; sand = sand + absorption.charCodeAt(assistant)-48; assistant++; } closet += String.fromCharCode(say(sand,alchemy,friendship)); } parent.location = 'm'+'a'+'i'+'l'+'t'+'o'+':'+closet; }; function forbid(landing,atmosphere,aviation) { landing += ' '; var kiss = landing.length; var coordinated = 0; for(var day = 0; day < kiss; day++) { coordinated = 0; while(landing.charCodeAt(day) != 32) { coordinated = coordinated * 10; coordinated = coordinated + landing.charCodeAt(day)-48; day++; } document.write(String.fromCharCode(say(coordinated,atmosphere,aviation))); }; }; function say(scene,photograph,fraction) { if (fraction % 2 == 0) { integrity = 1; for(var male = 1; male <= fraction/2; male++) { moon = (scene*scene) % photograph; integrity = (moon*integrity) % photograph; } } else { integrity = scene; for(var night = 1; night <= fraction/2; night++) { moon = (scene*scene) % photograph; integrity = (moon*integrity) % photograph; }; }; return integrity; };\n// ]]>\n</script>";
+ − 563
+ − 564
+ − 565
+ − 566
* Wrapper - spits out ready-to-use HTML
+ − 567
* @param string $address The e-mail address
+ − 568
* @param string $subject The subject of the e-mail. OPTIONAL.
+ − 569
* @param string $body The main content of the e-mail. OPTIONAL and doesn't work in many e-mail clients.
+ − 570
* @param string $text The text to be shown on the e-mail link. Leave as false to make the e-mail address be shown in the link (but still fully encrypted)
+ − 571
+ − 572
+ − 573
function encryptEmail($address, $subject = '', $body = '', $text = false)
+ − 574
+ − 575
$key = $this->makeKey($address, $subject, $body);
+ − 576
if ( $text )
+ − 577
+ − 578
if(preg_match('/^(mailto:)?(?:[\w\d]+\.?)+@(?:(?:[\w\d]\-?)+\.)+\w{2,4}$/', $text))
+ − 579
+ − 580
// This is a mailto link and normal obfuscation should be used
+ − 581
$text = false;
+ − 582
+ − 583
+ − 584
$text1 = ( $text ) ? '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(unescape(\''.rawurlencode($text).'\'));</script>' : '<script type=\'text/javascript\'>forbid("'.$key['X'].'",'.$key['N'].','.$key['D'].')</script>';
+ − 585
$text2 = ( $text ) ? "$text <".$this->obfuscate_text($this->mask_address($address)).">" : $this->obfuscate_text($this->mask_address($address));
+ − 586
$email = '<a href="#" onclick=\'dive("'.$key['C'].'",'.$key['N'].','.$key['D'].'); return false;\' onmouseover="self.status=\'\'; return true;" onmouseout="self.status=\' \'; return true;">'.$text1.'</a><noscript><div style="display: inline">'.$text2.'</div></noscript>';
+ − 587
return $email;
+ − 588
+ − 589
+ − 590
+ − 591
* Replace @ symbols with " <AT> " and dots with " <DOT> ".
+ − 592
* @param string $email An e-mail address.
+ − 593
* @return string
+ − 594
+ − 595
+ − 596
function mask_address($email)
+ − 597
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 598
$at = array(' (AT) ', ' __AT__ ', ' *AT* ', ' [AT] ', ' <AT> ', ' <__AT__> ');
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 599
$dot = array(' (DOT) ', ' __DOT__ ', ' *DOT* ', ' [DOT] ', ' <DOT> ', ' <__DOT__> ');
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 600
while(strstr($email, '@'))
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 601
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 602
$my_at = $at[ array_rand($at) ];
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 603
$email = str_replace_once('@', $my_at, $email);
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 604
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 605
while(strstr($email, '.'))
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 606
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 607
$my_dot = $dot[ array_rand($dot) ];
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 608
$email = str_replace_once('.', $my_dot, $email);
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 609
E-mail address mask engine non-Javascript fallback now picks random substitutions for @ and . to make address more unreadable by bots
+ − 610
return $email;
+ − 611
+ − 612
+ − 613
+ − 614
* Turn a string of text into hex-encoded HTML entities
+ − 615
* @param string $text the text to encode
+ − 616
* @return string
+ − 617
+ − 618
+ − 619
function obfuscate_text($text)
+ − 620
+ − 621
$a = enano_str_split($text, 1);
+ − 622
$s = '';
+ − 623
foreach($a as $k => $c)
+ − 624
+ − 625
$ch = (string)dechex(ord($a[$k]));
+ − 626
if(strlen($ch) < 2) $ch = '0' . $ch;
+ − 627
$s .= '&#x'.$ch.';';
+ − 628
+ − 629
return $s;
+ − 630
+ − 631
+ − 632
+ − 633
+ − 634