+ − 1
+ − 2
* Enano JWS - Javascript Windowing System
+ − 3
* Sorry if I stole the name ;)
+ − 4
* Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Dan Fuhry
+ − 5
* Yes, it's part of Enano, so it's GPL
+ − 6
+ − 7
+ − 8
var position;
+ − 9
position = getScrollOffset();
+ − 10
+ − 11
var jws = {
+ − 12
position : position,
+ − 13
obj : null,
+ − 14
startup : function() {
+ − 15
+ − 16
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
+ − 17
if(IE) { position = document.body.scrollTop; }
+ − 18
else { position = window.pageYOffset; }
+ − 19
for(i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
+ − 20
if(divs[i].id && divs[i].id.substr(0, 4) == 'root') {
+ − 21
divs[i].onClick = 'jws.focus(\''+divs[i].id+'\')';
+ − 22
var tb = i + 1
+ − 23
tb = divs[tb];
+ − 24
tb.innerHTML = '<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td>' + tb.innerHTML + '</td><td align="right"><div align="center" class="closebtn" onclick="jws.closeWin(\''+divs[i].id+'\');">X</div></td></tr></table>';
+ − 25
divs[i].style.width = '640px';
+ − 26
divs[i].style.height = '480px';
+ − 27
Drag.init(tb, divs[i]);
+ − 28
+ − 29
+ − 30
+ − 31
initWindow : function(o) {
+ − 32
jws.debug('jws.initWindow('+o+' ['+o.id+'])');
+ − 33
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
+ − 34
for(i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
+ − 35
if(divs[i].id && divs[i].id == o.id) {
+ − 36
var tb = i + 1
+ − 37
tb = divs[tb];
+ − 38
tb.innerHTML = '<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td>' + tb.innerHTML + '</td><td align="right"><div class="closebtn" onclick="jws.closeWin(\''+divs[i].id+'\');"></div></td></tr></table>';
+ − 39
divs[i].style.width = '640px';
+ − 40
divs[i].style.height = '480px';
+ − 41
Drag.init(tb, divs[i]);
+ − 42
+ − 43
+ − 44
+ − 45
closeWin : function(id) {
+ − 46
+ − 47
document.getElementById(id).style.display = 'none';
+ − 48
+ − 49
+ − 50
openWin : function(id, x, y) {
+ − 51
+ − 52
var e = document.getElementById(id);
+ − 53
if(!x) x = 640;
+ − 54
if(!y) y = 480;
+ − 55
jws.debug('jws.openWin(\''+id+'\', '+x+', '+y+')');
+ − 56
e.style.display = 'block';
+ − 57
e.style.width = x+'px';
+ − 58
e.style.height = y+'px';
+ − 59
+ − 60
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
+ − 61
for(i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
+ − 62
if(divs[i].id && divs[i].id == e.id) {
+ − 63
var cn = i + 3;
+ − 64
cn = divs[cn];
+ − 65
+ − 66
var h = getElementHeight(e.id) - 53;
+ − 67
var w = getElementWidth(cn.id) - 20;
+ − 68
cn.style.width = w + 'px';
+ − 69
cn.style.height = h + 'px';
+ − 70
cn.style.clip.top = 0 + 'px';
+ − 71
cn.style.clip.left = 0 + 'px';
+ − 72
cn.style.clip.right = w + 'px';
+ − 73
cn.style.clip.bottom = h + 'px';
+ − 74
cn.style.overflow = 'auto';
+ − 75
+ − 76
+ − 77
+ − 78
+ − 79
+ − 80
setpos : function(el) {
+ − 81
+ − 82
el = document.getElementById(el);
+ − 83
var w = getWidth();
+ − 84
var h = getHeight();
+ − 85
var ew = getElementWidth(el.id);
+ − 86
var eh = getElementHeight(el.id);
+ − 87
px = (w/2) - (ew/2);
+ − 88
py = (h/2) - (eh/2);
+ − 89
if (IE) { position = document.body.scrollTop; }
+ − 90
else { position = window.pageYOffset; }
+ − 91
+ − 92
if ( IE )
+ − 93
el.style.position = "absolute";
+ − 94
+ − 95
el.style.position = "fixed";
+ − 96
+ − 97
el.style.top =py+'px';
+ − 98
+ − 99
scrollHandler : function() {
+ − 100
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
+ − 101
for(i=0;i<divs.length;i++) {
+ − 102
if(divs[i].id && divs[i].id.substr(0, 4) == 'root' && divs[i].style.display == 'block') {
+ − 103
c = divs[i];
+ − 104
jws.debug('jws.scrollHandler(): moving element: '+c.id);
+ − 105
var t = c.style.top;
+ − 106
var py = t.substr(0, t.length - 2);
+ − 107
py = parseInt(py);
+ − 108
if(jws.position) { py = py - jws.position; }
+ − 109
position = getScrollOffset();
+ − 110
+ − 111
c.style.position = "absolute";
+ − 112
if(!isNaN(py)) c.style.top =py+'px';
+ − 113
jws.debug('jws.scrollHandler(): value of py: '+py);
+ − 114
+ − 115
+ − 116
jws.position = position;
+ − 117
+ − 118
focus : function(e) {
+ − 119
e = document.getElementById(e);
+ − 120
if(e.style.zindex) z = e.style.zindex;
+ − 121
else z = 1;
+ − 122
+ − 123
e.style.zIndex = z;
+ − 124
+ − 125
debug : function(t) {
+ − 126
if(document.getElementById('jsw-debug-console')) {
+ − 127
dbg = document.getElementById('jsw-debug-console');
+ − 128
debugdata = dbg.innerHTML;
+ − 129
dbg.innerHTML = debugdata+"<br />"+t;
+ − 130
+ − 131
+ − 132
} // class jws
+ − 133
+ − 134
+ − 135
+ − 136
+ − 137
* dom-drag.js
+ − 138
* 09.25.2001
+ − 139
* www.youngpup.net
Corrected licensing issue on YoungPup's DOM-Drag (it is now public domain -> GPLv2+ for Enano); fixed wrongful access denial under specific circumstances (fetch_page_acl() on nonexistent page + wiki mode)
+ − 140
* The original version of this code is in the
Corrected licensing issue on YoungPup's DOM-Drag (it is now public domain -> GPLv2+ for Enano); fixed wrongful access denial under specific circumstances (fetch_page_acl() on nonexistent page + wiki mode)
+ − 141
* public domain. We have relicensed this modified
Corrected licensing issue on YoungPup's DOM-Drag (it is now public domain -> GPLv2+ for Enano); fixed wrongful access denial under specific circumstances (fetch_page_acl() on nonexistent page + wiki mode)
+ − 142
* version under the GPL version 2 or later for
Corrected licensing issue on YoungPup's DOM-Drag (it is now public domain -> GPLv2+ for Enano); fixed wrongful access denial under specific circumstances (fetch_page_acl() on nonexistent page + wiki mode)
+ − 143
* Enano.
+ − 144
+ − 145
+ − 146
var Drag = {
+ − 147
+ − 148
obj : null,
+ − 149
+ − 150
init : function(o, oRoot, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, bSwapHorzRef, bSwapVertRef, fXMapper, fYMapper)
+ − 151
+ − 152
o.onmousedown = Drag.start;
+ − 153
+ − 154
o.hmode = bSwapHorzRef ? false : true ;
+ − 155
o.vmode = bSwapVertRef ? false : true ;
+ − 156
+ − 157
o.root = oRoot && oRoot != null ? oRoot : o ;
+ − 158
+ − 159
if (o.hmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.left ))) o.root.style.left = "0px";
+ − 160
if (o.vmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.top ))) o.root.style.top = "0px";
+ − 161
if (!o.hmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.right ))) o.root.style.right = "0px";
+ − 162
if (!o.vmode && isNaN(parseInt(o.root.style.bottom))) o.root.style.bottom = "0px";
+ − 163
+ − 164
o.minX = typeof minX != 'undefined' ? minX : null;
+ − 165
o.minY = typeof minY != 'undefined' ? minY : null;
+ − 166
o.maxX = typeof maxX != 'undefined' ? maxX : null;
+ − 167
o.maxY = typeof maxY != 'undefined' ? maxY : null;
+ − 168
+ − 169
o.xMapper = fXMapper ? fXMapper : null;
+ − 170
o.yMapper = fYMapper ? fYMapper : null;
+ − 171
+ − 172
o.root.onDragStart = new Function();
+ − 173
o.root.onDragEnd = new Function();
+ − 174
o.root.onDrag = new Function();
+ − 175
+ − 176
+ − 177
start : function(e)
+ − 178
+ − 179
var o = Drag.obj = this;
+ − 180
e = Drag.fixE(e);
+ − 181
var y = parseInt(o.vmode ? o.root.style.top : o.root.style.bottom);
+ − 182
var x = parseInt(o.hmode ? o.root.style.left : o.root.style.right );
+ − 183
o.root.onDragStart(x, y);
+ − 184
+ − 185
o.lastMouseX = e.clientX;
+ − 186
o.lastMouseY = e.clientY;
+ − 187
+ − 188
if (o.hmode) {
+ − 189
if (o.minX != null) o.minMouseX = e.clientX - x + o.minX;
+ − 190
if (o.maxX != null) o.maxMouseX = o.minMouseX + o.maxX - o.minX;
+ − 191
} else {
+ − 192
if (o.minX != null) o.maxMouseX = -o.minX + e.clientX + x;
+ − 193
if (o.maxX != null) o.minMouseX = -o.maxX + e.clientX + x;
+ − 194
+ − 195
+ − 196
if (o.vmode) {
+ − 197
if (o.minY != null) o.minMouseY = e.clientY - y + o.minY;
+ − 198
if (o.maxY != null) o.maxMouseY = o.minMouseY + o.maxY - o.minY;
+ − 199
} else {
+ − 200
if (o.minY != null) o.maxMouseY = -o.minY + e.clientY + y;
+ − 201
if (o.maxY != null) o.minMouseY = -o.maxY + e.clientY + y;
+ − 202
+ − 203
+ − 204
document.onmousemove = Drag.drag;
+ − 205
document.onmouseup = Drag.end;
+ − 206
+ − 207
return false;
+ − 208
+ − 209
+ − 210
drag : function(e)
+ − 211
+ − 212
e = Drag.fixE(e);
+ − 213
var o = Drag.obj;
+ − 214
+ − 215
var ey = e.clientY;
+ − 216
var ex = e.clientX;
+ − 217
var y = parseInt(o.vmode ? o.root.style.top : o.root.style.bottom);
+ − 218
var x = parseInt(o.hmode ? o.root.style.left : o.root.style.right );
+ − 219
var nx, ny;
+ − 220
+ − 221
if (o.minX != null) ex = o.hmode ? Math.max(ex, o.minMouseX) : Math.min(ex, o.maxMouseX);
+ − 222
if (o.maxX != null) ex = o.hmode ? Math.min(ex, o.maxMouseX) : Math.max(ex, o.minMouseX);
+ − 223
if (o.minY != null) ey = o.vmode ? Math.max(ey, o.minMouseY) : Math.min(ey, o.maxMouseY);
+ − 224
if (o.maxY != null) ey = o.vmode ? Math.min(ey, o.maxMouseY) : Math.max(ey, o.minMouseY);
+ − 225
+ − 226
nx = x + ((ex - o.lastMouseX) * (o.hmode ? 1 : -1));
+ − 227
ny = y + ((ey - o.lastMouseY) * (o.vmode ? 1 : -1));
+ − 228
+ − 229
if (o.xMapper) nx = o.xMapper(y)
+ − 230
else if (o.yMapper) ny = o.yMapper(x)
+ − 231
+ − 232
Drag.obj.root.style[o.hmode ? "left" : "right"] = nx + "px";
+ − 233
Drag.obj.root.style[o.vmode ? "top" : "bottom"] = ny + "px";
+ − 234
Drag.obj.lastMouseX = ex;
+ − 235
Drag.obj.lastMouseY = ey;
+ − 236
+ − 237
Drag.obj.root.onDrag(nx, ny);
+ − 238
return false;
+ − 239
+ − 240
+ − 241
end : function()
+ − 242
+ − 243
document.onmousemove = getMouseXY;
+ − 244
document.onmouseup = null;
+ − 245
Drag.obj.root.onDragEnd( parseInt(Drag.obj.root.style[Drag.obj.hmode ? "left" : "right"]),
+ − 246
parseInt(Drag.obj.root.style[Drag.obj.vmode ? "top" : "bottom"]));
+ − 247
Drag.obj = null;
+ − 248
+ − 249
+ − 250
fixE : function(e)
+ − 251
+ − 252
if (typeof e == 'undefined') e = window.event;
+ − 253
if (typeof e.layerX == 'undefined') e.layerX = e.offsetX;
+ − 254
if (typeof e.layerY == 'undefined') e.layerY = e.offsetY;
+ − 255
return e;
+ − 256
+ − 257
+ − 258