+ − <?php
+ − // vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4:
+ − /**
+ − * Wikilink rule end renderer for Xhtml
+ − *
+ − * PHP versions 4 and 5
+ − *
+ − * @category Text
+ − * @package Text_Wiki
+ − * @author Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>
+ − * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL License 2.1
+ − * @version CVS: $Id: Wikilink.php,v 1.17 2006/02/28 03:15:09 justinpatrin Exp $
+ − * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Text_Wiki
+ − */
+ −
+ − /**
+ − * This class renders wiki links in XHTML.
+ − *
+ − * @category Text
+ − * @package Text_Wiki
+ − * @author Paul M. Jones <pmjones@php.net>
+ − * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html LGPL License 2.1
+ − * @version Release: @package_version@
+ − * @link http://pear.php.net/package/Text_Wiki
+ − */
+ − class Text_Wiki_Render_Xhtml_Wikilink extends Text_Wiki_Render {
+ −
+ − var $conf;
+ −
+ − function Text_Wiki_Render_Xhtml_Wikilink() {
+ − $_utemp = contentPath.'%s';
+ − $this->conf = array(
+ − 'pages' => array(), // set to null or false to turn off page checks
+ − 'view_url' => $_utemp,
+ − 'new_url' => $_utemp,
+ − 'new_text' => ' [x]',
+ − 'new_text_pos' => false, // 'before', 'after', or null/false
+ − 'css' => null,
+ − 'css_new' => null,
+ − 'exists_callback' => 'isPage' // call_user_func() callback
+ − );
+ − }
+ −
+ − /**
+ − *
+ − * Renders a token into XHTML.
+ − *
+ − * @access public
+ − *
+ − * @param array $options The "options" portion of the token (second
+ − * element).
+ − *
+ − * @return string The text rendered from the token options.
+ − *
+ − */
+ −
+ − function token($options)
+ − {
+ − global $session;
+ − if ( $session->sid_super )
+ − {
+ − $as = htmlspecialchars(urlSeparator) . 'auth='.$session->sid_super;
+ − }
+ − else
+ − {
+ − $as = '';
+ − }
+ − // make nice variable names (page, anchor, text)
+ − extract($options);
+ −
+ − // is there a "page existence" callback?
+ − // we need to access it directly instead of through
+ − // getConf() because we'll need a reference (for
+ − // object instance method callbacks).
+ − if (isset($this->conf['exists_callback'])) {
+ − $callback =& $this->conf['exists_callback'];
+ − } else {
+ − $callback = false;
+ − }
+ −
+ − $page = sanitize_page_id( $page );
+ −
+ − if ($callback) {
+ − // use the callback function
+ − $exists = call_user_func($callback, $page);
+ − } else {
+ − // no callback, go to the naive page array.
+ − $list = $this->getConf('pages');
+ − if (is_array($list)) {
+ − // yes, check against the page list
+ − $exists = in_array($page, $list);
+ − } else {
+ − // no, assume it exists
+ − $exists = true;
+ − }
+ − }
+ −
+ − // convert *after* checking against page names so as not to mess
+ − // up what the user typed and what we're checking.
+ − //$page = $this->urlEncode($page);
+ − $anchor = $this->urlEncode($anchor);
+ − // $text = $this->textEncode($text);
+ −
+ − // hackish fix for the "external" image in Oxygen [added for Enano]
+ − if ( preg_match('/<(.+?)>/is', $text) )
+ − {
+ − $nobg = ' style="background-image: none; padding-right: 0;"';
+ − }
+ − else
+ − {
+ − $nobg = '';
+ − }
+ −
+ − // does the page exist?
+ − if ($exists) {
+ −
+ −
+ − // link to the page view, but we have to build
+ − // the HREF. we support both the old form where
+ − // the page always comes at the end, and the new
+ − // form that uses %s for sprintf()
+ − $href = $this->getConf('view_url');
+ −
+ − if (strpos($href, '%s') === false) {
+ − // use the old form (page-at-end)
+ − $href = $href . $page . $anchor;
+ − } else {
+ − // use the new form (sprintf format string)
+ − $href = sprintf($href, $page . $anchor);
+ − }
+ −
+ − // get the CSS class and generate output
+ − $css = $this->formatConf(' class="%s"', 'css');
+ −
+ − $start = '<a'.$css.' href="'.$href.$as.'"'.$nobg.'>';
+ − $end = '</a>';
+ − } else {
+ −
+ −
+ − // link to the page view, but we have to build
+ − // the HREF. we support both the old form where
+ − // the page always comes at the end, and the new
+ − // form that uses %s for sprintf()
+ − $href = $this->getConf('view_url');
+ −
+ − if (strpos($href, '%s') === false) {
+ − // use the old form (page-at-end)
+ − $href = $href . $page . $anchor;
+ − } else {
+ − // use the new form (sprintf format string)
+ − $href = sprintf($href, $page . $anchor);
+ − }
+ −
+ − // get the CSS class and generate output
+ − $css = $this->formatConf(' class="%s"', 'css');
+ −
+ − $start = '<a'.$css.' href="'.$href.$as.'"'.$nobg.' class="wikilink-nonexistent">';
+ − $end = '</a>';
+ −
+ − }
+ − if (!strlen($text)) {
+ − $start .= $this->textEncode($options['page']);
+ − }
+ − if (isset($type)) {
+ − switch ($type) {
+ − case 'start':
+ − $output = $start;
+ − break;
+ − case 'end':
+ − $output = $end;
+ − break;
+ − }
+ − } else {
+ − $output = $start.$text.$end;
+ − }
+ − return $output;
+ − }
+ − }
+ − ?>